Commit 0548bf7b authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

(OpenTSDB): добавил вывод отладочной информации (getInfo)

parent 1dd07caa
......@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ void BackendOpenTSDB::init( xmlNode* cnode )
auto conf = uniset_conf();
host = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix+ "-host", it.getProp("host"), "localhost");
port = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix+ "-port", it.getProp("port"), port);
tsdbPrefix = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix+ "-prefix", it.getProp("prefix"), "");
tsdbTags = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix+ "-tags", it.getProp("tags"), "");
reconnectTime = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix+ "-reconnect-time", it.getProp("reconnectTime"), reconnectTime);
bufSize = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix+ "-buf-size", it.getProp("bufMaxSize"),bufSize);
bufSyncTime = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix+ "-buf-sync-time", it.getProp("bufSyncTimeout"),bufSyncTime);
host = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix + "-host", it.getProp("host"), "localhost");
port = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "-port", it.getProp("port"), port);
tsdbPrefix = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix + "-prefix", it.getProp("prefix"), "");
tsdbTags = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix + "-tags", it.getProp("tags"), "");
reconnectTime = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "-reconnect-time", it.getProp("reconnectTime"), reconnectTime);
bufSize = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "-buf-size", it.getProp("bufMaxSize"), bufSize);
bufSyncTime = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "-buf-sync-time", it.getProp("bufSyncTimeout"), bufSyncTime);
const string ff = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix+ "-filter-field", it.getProp("filter_field"), "" );
const string fv = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix+ "-filter-value", it.getProp("filter_value"), "" );
const string ff = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix + "-filter-field", it.getProp("filter_field"), "" );
const string fv = conf->getArg2Param("--" + prefix + "-filter-value", it.getProp("filter_value"), "" );
myinfo << myname << "(init): opentsdb host=" << host << ":" << port
<< " " << ff << "='" << fv << "'"
......@@ -328,11 +328,16 @@ bool BackendOpenTSDB::flushBuffer()
askTimer(tmFlushBuffer, 0);
timerIsOn = false;
if( !lastError.empty() )
lastError = "";
return true;
catch( std::exception& ex )
mywarn << "(flushBuffer): " << ex.what() << endl;
lastError = ex.what();
return false;
......@@ -355,19 +360,26 @@ bool BackendOpenTSDB::reconnect()
// tcp->setReceiveTimeout(UniSetTimer::millisecToPoco(replyTimeOut_ms));
tcp->setKeepAlive(true); // tcp->setKeepAliveParams((replyTimeOut_ms > 1000 ? replyTimeOut_ms / 1000 : 1));
if( !lastError.empty() )
lastError = "";
return true;
catch( Poco::TimeoutException& ex)
mycrit << myname << "(connect): " << host << ":" << port << " timeout exception" << endl;
lastError = "connect timeout";
catch( Poco::Net::NetException& ex)
mycrit << myname << "(connect): " << host << ":" << port << " error: " << ex.displayText() << endl;
lastError = ex.displayText();
catch( const std::exception& e )
mycrit << myname << "(connect): " << host << ":" << port << " error: " << e.what() << endl;
lastError = e.what();
catch( ... )
......@@ -378,3 +390,21 @@ bool BackendOpenTSDB::reconnect()
return false;
std::string BackendOpenTSDB::getMonitInfo() const
ostringstream inf;
inf << "Database: " << host << ":" << port
<< " ["
<< " reconnect=" << reconnectTime
<< " bufSize=" << bufSize
<< " tsdbPrefix: '" << tsdbPrefix << "'"
<< " tsdbTags: '" << tsdbTags << "'"
<< " ]" << endl
<< " connection: " << ( tcp && tcp->isConnected() ? "OK" : "FAILED") << endl
<< " buffer size: " << buf.size() << endl
<< " lastError: " << lastError << endl;
return inf.str();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ namespace uniset
virtual void sensorInfo( const uniset::SensorMessage* sm ) override;
virtual void timerInfo( const uniset::TimerMessage* tm ) override;
virtual void sysCommand( const uniset::SystemMessage* sm ) override;
virtual std::string getMonitInfo() const override;
void init( xmlNode* cnode );
bool flushBuffer();
......@@ -159,6 +160,7 @@ namespace uniset
size_t bufSize = { 100 };
bool timerIsOn = { false };
timeout_t reconnectTime = { 5000 };
std::string lastError;
// буфер mutex-ом можно не защищать
// т.к. к нему идёт обращение только из основного потока обработки
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