Commit 0f8b9eb1 authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

(MQTTPublisher): небольшой рефакторинг

parent 938af6e6
......@@ -143,36 +143,6 @@ void MQTTPublisher::sysCommand(const SystemMessage* sm)
string MQTTPublisher::replace( const std::string& text, MQTTPublisher::MQTTTextInfo* ti, MQTTPublisher::RangeInfo* ri, long value )
std::string txt(text);
ostringstream v;
v << value;
ostringstream id;
id << ti->sid;
ostringstream r;
r << "[" << ri->rmin << ":" << ri->rmax << "]";
ostringstream smin;
smin << ri->rmin;
ostringstream smax;
smax << ri->rmax;
txt = replace_all(txt, "%v", v.str());
txt = replace_all(txt, "%n", ti->xmlnode.getProp("name"));
txt = replace_all(txt, "%t", ti->xmlnode.getProp("textname"));
txt = replace_all(txt, "%i", id.str());
txt = replace_all(txt, "%rmin", smin.str());
txt = replace_all(txt, "%rmax", smax.str());
txt = replace_all(txt, "%r", r.str());
return std::move(txt);
void MQTTPublisher::help_print( int argc, const char* const* argv )
cout << " Default prefix='mqtt'" << endl;
......@@ -306,27 +276,7 @@ void MQTTPublisher::sensorInfo( const UniSetTypes::SensorMessage* sm )
auto t = textpublist.find(sm->id);
if( t != textpublist.end() )
auto rlist = t->second.rlist;
for( auto && r : rlist )
if( r.check(sm->value) )
string tmsg = replace(r.text, &(t->second), &r, sm->value);
//subscribe(NULL, i.second.pubname.c_str());
myinfo << "(sensorInfo): publish: topic='" << t->second.pubname << "' msg='" << tmsg << "'" << endl;
int ret = publish(NULL, t->second.pubname.c_str(), tmsg.size(), tmsg.c_str(), 1, false);
if( ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS )
mycrit << myname << "(sensorInfo): PUBLISH FAILED: err(" << ret << "): " << mosqpp::strerror(ret) << endl;
t->second.check(this, sm->value, mylog, myname);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MQTTPublisher::MQTTTextInfo::MQTTTextInfo( const string& rootsec, UniXML::iterator s, UniXML::iterator i ):
......@@ -386,4 +336,57 @@ bool MQTTPublisher::RangeInfo::check( long val ) const
return ( val >= rmin && val <= rmax );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MQTTPublisher::MQTTTextInfo::check( mosqpp::mosquittopp* serv, long value , std::shared_ptr<DebugStream>& log , const string& myname )
for( auto && r : rlist )
if( r.check(value) )
string tmsg = replace(&r, value);
//subscribe(NULL, i.second.pubname.c_str());
if( log->is_info() )
log->info() << myname << "(check): publish: topic='" << pubname << "' msg='" << tmsg << "'" << endl;
int ret = serv->publish(NULL, pubname.c_str(), tmsg.size(), tmsg.c_str(), 1, false);
if( ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS )
if( log->is_crit() )
log->crit() << myname << "(check): PUBLISH FAILED: err(" << ret << "): " << mosqpp::strerror(ret) << endl;
std::string MQTTPublisher::MQTTTextInfo::replace( RangeInfo* ri, long value )
std::string txt(ri->text);
ostringstream v;
v << value;
ostringstream id;
id << sid;
ostringstream r;
r << "[" << ri->rmin << ":" << ri->rmax << "]";
ostringstream smin;
smin << ri->rmin;
ostringstream smax;
smax << ri->rmax;
txt = replace_all(txt, "%v", v.str());
txt = replace_all(txt, "%n", xmlnode.getProp("name"));
txt = replace_all(txt, "%t", xmlnode.getProp("textname"));
txt = replace_all(txt, "%i", id.str());
txt = replace_all(txt, "%rmin", smin.str());
txt = replace_all(txt, "%rmax", smax.str());
txt = replace_all(txt, "%r", r.str());
return std::move(txt);
......@@ -100,15 +100,6 @@ class MQTTPublisher:
/*! глобальная функция для вывода help-а */
static void help_print( int argc, const char* const* argv );
inline std::shared_ptr<LogAgregator> getLogAggregator()
return loga;
inline std::shared_ptr<DebugStream> log()
return mylog;
virtual void on_connect(int rc) override;
virtual void on_message(const struct mosquitto_message* message) override;
virtual void on_subscribe(int mid, int qos_count, const int* granted_qos) override;
......@@ -155,12 +146,14 @@ class MQTTPublisher:
// одиночные сообщения просто имитируются min=max=val
std::list<RangeInfo> rlist; // список сообщений..
void check( mosqpp::mosquittopp* serv, long value, std::shared_ptr<DebugStream>& log, const std::string& myname );
std::string replace( RangeInfo* ri, long value );
typedef std::unordered_map<UniSetTypes::ObjectId, MQTTTextInfo> MQTTTextMap;
std::string replace( const std::string& text, MQTTTextInfo* ti, RangeInfo* r, long value );
MQTTMap publist;
MQTTTextMap textpublist;
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