Commit 5f71583a authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

(modbus): Дореализовал обмен с RTU188

parent 2535d24f
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name: libuniset
Version: 1.3
Release: alt9
Release: alt10
Summary: UniSet - library for building distributed industrial control systems
License: GPL
Group: Development/C++
......@@ -213,6 +213,9 @@ rm -f %buildroot%_libdir/*.la
* Fri Feb 24 2012 Pavel Vainerman <> 1.3-alt10
- (modbus): realized exchange with RTU188
* Wed Feb 22 2012 Pavel Vainerman <> 1.3-alt9
- (modbus): fixed bug in modbus exchange for RTU188 (initialization)
......@@ -1925,6 +1925,13 @@ bool MBExchange::initRTUDevice( RTUDevice* d, UniXML_iterator& it )
d->mbaddr = ModbusRTU::str2mbAddr(addr);
if( d->dtype == MBExchange::dtRTU188 )
if( !d->rtu )
d->rtu = new RTUStorage(d->mbaddr);
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -5,22 +5,12 @@
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "IONotifyController.h"
#include "UniSetObject_LT.h"
#include "MBExchange.h"
#include "modbus/ModbusRTUMaster.h"
#include "PassiveTimer.h"
#include "Trigger.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
#include "Calibration.h"
#include "SMInterface.h"
#include "SharedMemory.h"
#include "MTR.h"
#include "RTUStorage.h"
#include "IOBase.h"
#include "VTypes.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RTUExchange:
public UniSetObject_LT
public MBExchange
RTUExchange( UniSetTypes::ObjectId objId, UniSetTypes::ObjectId shmID,
......@@ -35,232 +25,28 @@ class RTUExchange:
/*! глобальная функция для вывода help-а */
static void help_print( int argc, const char* const* argv );
static const int NoSafetyState=-1;
enum Timer
enum DeviceType
dtUnknown, /*!< неизвестный */
dtRTU, /*!< RTU (default) */
dtRTU188, /*!< RTU188 (Fastwell) */
dtMTR /*!< MTR (DEIF) */
static DeviceType getDeviceType( const std::string dtype );
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const DeviceType& dt );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct RTUDevice;
struct RegInfo;
struct RSProperty:
public IOBase
// only for RTU
short nbit; /*!< bit number) */
VTypes::VType vType; /*!< type of value */
short rnum; /*!< count of registers */
short nbyte; /*!< byte number (1-2) */
RegInfo* reg;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const RSProperty& p );
typedef std::list<RSProperty> PList;
static std::ostream& print_plist( std::ostream& os, PList& p );
typedef std::map<ModbusRTU::ModbusData,RegInfo*> RegMap;
struct RegInfo
ModbusRTU::ModbusData mbval;
ModbusRTU::ModbusData mbreg; /*!< регистр */
ModbusRTU::SlaveFunctionCode mbfunc; /*!< функция для чтения/записи */
PList slst;
// only for MTR
MTR::MTRType mtrType; /*!< тип регистра (согласно спецификации на MTR) */
// only for RTU188
RTUStorage::RTUJack rtuJack;
int rtuChan;
RTUDevice* dev;
int offset;
// optimization
int q_num; /*! number in query */
int q_count; /*! count registers for query */
RegMap::iterator rit;
bool mb_init; /*!< init before use */
bool sm_init; /*!< SM init value */
ModbusRTU::ModbusData mb_init_mbreg; /*!< mb_init register */
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, RegInfo& r );
struct RTUDevice
ComPort::Speed speed;
bool respnond;
ModbusRTU::ModbusAddr mbaddr; /*!< адрес устройства */
RegMap regmap;
DeviceType dtype; /*!< тип устройства */
UniSetTypes::ObjectId resp_id;
IOController::DIOStateList::iterator resp_dit;
PassiveTimer resp_ptTimeout;
Trigger resp_trTimeout;
bool resp_state;
bool resp_invert;
bool resp_real;
bool resp_init;
RTUStorage* rtu;
// return TRUE if state changed
bool checkRespond();
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, RTUDevice& d );
typedef std::map<ModbusRTU::ModbusAddr,RTUDevice*> RTUDeviceMap;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, RTUDeviceMap& d );
void printMap(RTUDeviceMap& d);
// ----------------------------------
RTUDeviceMap rmap;
ModbusRTUMaster* mb;
ModbusRTUMaster* mbrtu;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex mbMutex;
std::string devname;
ComPort::Speed defSpeed;
bool use485F;
bool transmitCtl;
xmlNode* cnode;
std::string s_field;
std::string s_fvalue;
SMInterface* shm;
void step();
void poll();
bool pollRTU( RTUDevice* dev, RegMap::iterator& it );
void updateSM();
void updateRTU(RegMap::iterator& it);
void updateMTR(RegMap::iterator& it);
void updateRTU188(RegMap::iterator& it);
void updateRSProperty( RSProperty* p, bool write_only=false );
virtual void processingMessage( UniSetTypes::VoidMessage *msg );
void sysCommand( UniSetTypes::SystemMessage *msg );
void sensorInfo( UniSetTypes::SensorMessage*sm );
void timerInfo( UniSetTypes::TimerMessage *tm );
void askSensors( UniversalIO::UIOCommand cmd );
void initOutput();
void waitSMReady();
virtual bool activateObject();
// действия при завершении работы
virtual void sigterm( int signo );
virtual void step();
virtual void poll();
void initMB( bool reopen=false );
void initIterators();
bool initItem( UniXML_iterator& it );
bool readItem( UniXML& xml, UniXML_iterator& it, xmlNode* sec );
void initDeviceList();
void initOffsetList();
RTUDevice* addDev( RTUDeviceMap& dmap, ModbusRTU::ModbusAddr a, UniXML_iterator& it );
RegInfo* addReg( RegMap& rmap, ModbusRTU::ModbusData r, UniXML_iterator& it,
RTUDevice* dev, RegInfo* rcopy=0 );
RSProperty* addProp( PList& plist, RSProperty& p );
bool initMTRitem( UniXML_iterator& it, RegInfo* p );
bool initRTU188item( UniXML_iterator& it, RegInfo* p );
bool initRSProperty( RSProperty& p, UniXML_iterator& it );
bool initRegInfo( RegInfo* r, UniXML_iterator& it, RTUDevice* dev );
bool initRTUDevice( RTUDevice* d, UniXML_iterator& it );
bool initDeviceInfo( RTUDeviceMap& m, ModbusRTU::ModbusAddr a, UniXML_iterator& it );
void rtuQueryOptimization( RTUDeviceMap& m );
void readConfiguration();
virtual ModbusClient* initMB( bool reopen=false );
virtual bool initDeviceInfo( RTUDeviceMap& m, ModbusRTU::ModbusAddr a, UniXML_iterator& it );
bool initPause;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex mutex_start;
bool force; /*!< флаг означающий, что надо сохранять в SM, даже если значение не менялось */
bool force_out; /*!< флаг означающий, принудительного чтения выходов */
bool mbregFromID;
int polltime; /*!< переодичность обновления данных, [мсек] */
timeout_t sleepPause_usec;
PassiveTimer ptHeartBeat;
UniSetTypes::ObjectId sidHeartBeat;
int maxHeartBeat;
IOController::AIOStateList::iterator aitHeartBeat;
UniSetTypes::ObjectId test_id;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex pollMutex;
bool activated;
int activateTimeout;
bool rs_pre_clean;
bool noQueryOptimization;
bool allNotRespond;
Trigger trAllNotRespond;
PassiveTimer ptAllNotRespond;
std::string prefix;
// PassiveTimer ptAllNotRespond;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // _RS_EXCHANGE_H_
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