Commit 67429175 authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

(IOControl): чуть упростил код.. (убрал дублирование)

parent 3e04b60e
......@@ -1651,29 +1651,14 @@ void IOControl::buildCardsList()
else if( cname == "AO16-xx" )
else if( cname == "UNIO48" )
// инициализация subdev-ов
for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
ostringstream s;
s << "subdev" << i;
ComediInterface::SubdevType st = ComediInterface::str2type( it.getProp(s.str()).c_str() );
if( st == ComediInterface::Unknown )
ostringstream err;
err << "(buildCardsList): Unknown subdev (" << s.str() << ") type '" << it.getProp(s.str()) << "' for " << cname;
throw SystemError(err.str());
unideb[Debug::INFO] << myname << "(buildCardsList): init subdev" << i << " " << it.getProp(s.str()) << endl;
else if( cname == "UNIO96" )
else if( cname == "UNIO48" || cname == "UNIO96" )
int k = 4;
if( cname == "UNIO48" )
k = 2;
// инициализация subdev-ов
for( int i=1; i<=4; i++ )
for( int i=1; i<=k; i++ )
ostringstream s;
s << "subdev" << i;
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