Commit 71444865 authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

Заложил основание для UNet2

parent 212cf7fb
bin_PROGRAMS = @PACKAGE@-unet-sender @PACKAGE@-unet-receiver
libUniSetUNet2_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/ \
$(top_builddir)/extensions/SharedMemory/ \
$(top_builddir)/extensions/lib/ \
libUniSetUNet2_la_CXXFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/extensions/include -I$(top_builddir)/extensions/SharedMemory $(SIGC_CFLAGS) $(COMCPP_CFLAGS)
libUniSetUNet2_la_SOURCES =
#@PACKAGE@_unetexchange_SOURCES =
#@PACKAGE@_unetexchange_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/ \
# $(top_builddir)/extensions/SharedMemory/ \
# $(top_builddir)/extensions/lib/ \
#@PACKAGE@_unetexchange_CXXFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/extensions/include -I$(top_builddir)/extensions/SharedMemory $(SIGC_CFLAGS) $(COMCPP_CFLAGS)
@PACKAGE@_unet_sender_SOURCES =
@PACKAGE@_unet_sender_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/ \
$(top_builddir)/extensions/SharedMemory/ \
$(top_builddir)/extensions/lib/ \
@PACKAGE@_unet_sender_CXXFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/extensions/include -I$(top_builddir)/extensions/SharedMemory $(SIGC_CFLAGS) $(COMCPP_CFLAGS)
@PACKAGE@_unet_receiver_SOURCES =
@PACKAGE@_unet_receiver_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/ \
$(top_builddir)/extensions/SharedMemory/ \
$(top_builddir)/extensions/lib/ \
@PACKAGE@_unet_receiver_CXXFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/extensions/include -I$(top_builddir)/extensions/SharedMemory $(SIGC_CFLAGS) $(COMCPP_CFLAGS)
# install
#devel_include_HEADERS = *.h
#devel_includedir = $(pkgincludedir)/extensions
#pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
#pkgconfig_DATA = libUniSetUNet.pc
ln -sf ../UNetExchange/$(devel_include_HEADERS) ../include
#ifndef UNetExchange_H_
#define UNetExchange_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cc++/socket.h>
#include "UniSetObject_LT.h"
#include "Trigger.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
#include "SMInterface.h"
#include "SharedMemory.h"
#include "ThreadCreator.h"
#include "UNetPacket.h"
#include "UNetNReceiver.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class UNetExchange:
public UniSetObject_LT
UNetExchange( UniSetTypes::ObjectId objId, UniSetTypes::ObjectId shmID, SharedMemory* ic=0 );
virtual ~UNetExchange();
/*! глобальная функция для инициализации объекта */
static UNetExchange* init_UNetexchange( int argc, char* argv[],
UniSetTypes::ObjectId shmID, SharedMemory* ic=0 );
/*! глобальная функция для вывода help-а */
static void help_print( int argc, char* argv[] );
struct UItem
IOController_i::SensorInfo si;
IOController::AIOStateList::iterator ait;
IOController::DIOStateList::iterator dit;
UniSetTypes::uniset_spin_mutex val_lock;
UniSetUNet::UNetMessage::UNetDataList::iterator pack_it;
long val;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, UItem& p );
xmlNode* cnode;
std::string s_field;
std::string s_fvalue;
SMInterface* shm;
void poll();
void recv();
void send();
void step();
virtual void processingMessage( UniSetTypes::VoidMessage *msg );
void sysCommand( UniSetTypes::SystemMessage *msg );
void sensorInfo( UniSetTypes::SensorMessage*sm );
void askSensors( UniversalIO::UIOCommand cmd );
void waitSMReady();
virtual bool activateObject();
// действия при завершении работы
virtual void sigterm( int signo );
void initIterators();
bool initItem( UniXML_iterator& it );
bool readItem( UniXML& xml, UniXML_iterator& it, xmlNode* sec );
void readConfiguration();
bool check_item( UniXML_iterator& it );
void buildReceiverList();
bool initPause;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex mutex_start;
PassiveTimer ptHeartBeat;
UniSetTypes::ObjectId sidHeartBeat;
int maxHeartBeat;
IOController::AIOStateList::iterator aitHeartBeat;
UniSetTypes::ObjectId test_id;
int polltime; /*!< переодичность обновления данных, [мсек] */
ost::UNetBroadcast* UNet;
ost::IPV4Host host;
ost::tpport_t port;
std::string s_host;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex pollMutex;
Trigger trTimeout;
int recvTimeout;
int sendTimeout;
bool activated;
int activateTimeout;
UniSetUNet::UNetMessage mypack;
typedef std::vector<UItem> DMap;
DMap dlist;
int maxItem;
typedef std::list<UNetNReceiver*> ReceiverList;
ReceiverList rlist;
ThreadCreator<UNetExchange>* thr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // UNetExchange_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "UNetPacket.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using namespace std;
using namespace UniSetUNet;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::ostream& UniSetUNet::operator<<( std::ostream& os, UniSetUNet::UNetHeader& p )
return os << "nodeID=" << p.nodeID
<< " procID=" << p.procID
<< " dcount=" << p.dcount;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::ostream& UniSetUNet::operator<<( std::ostream& os, UniSetUNet::UNetData& p )
return os << "id=" << << " val=" << p.val;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::ostream& UniSetUNet::operator<<( std::ostream& os, UniSetUNet::UNetMessage& p )
return os;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UNetMessage::addData( const UniSetUNet::UNetData& dat )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UNetMessage::addData( long id, long val)
UNetData d(id,val);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id: UNetPacket.h,v 1.1 2009/02/10 20:38:27 vpashka Exp $
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef UNetPacket_H_
#define UNetPacket_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <list>
#include <ostream>
#include "UniSetTypes.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace UniSetUNet
struct UNetHeader
long nodeID;
long procID;
long dcount;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, UNetHeader& p );
struct UNetData
UNetData(long id, long val):id(id),val(val){}
long id;
long val;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, UNetData& p );
struct UNetMessage:
public UNetHeader
void addData( const UNetData& dat );
void addData( long id, long val );
inline int size(){ return dlist.size(); }
typedef std::list<UNetData> UNetDataList;
UNetDataList dlist;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, UNetMessage& p );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // UNetPacket_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef UNetReceiver_H_
#define UNetReceiver_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cc++/socket.h>
#include "UniSetObject_LT.h"
#include "Trigger.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
#include "SMInterface.h"
#include "SharedMemory.h"
#include "ThreadCreator.h"
#include "UNetPacket.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class UNetReceiver:
public UniSetObject_LT
UNetReceiver( UniSetTypes::ObjectId objId, UniSetTypes::ObjectId shmID, SharedMemory* ic=0 );
virtual ~UNetReceiver();
/*! глобальная функция для инициализации объекта */
static UNetReceiver* init_udpreceiver( int argc, char* argv[],
UniSetTypes::ObjectId shmID, SharedMemory* ic=0 );
/*! глобальная функция для вывода help-а */
static void help_print( int argc, char* argv[] );
xmlNode* cnode;
std::string s_field;
std::string s_fvalue;
SMInterface* shm;
void poll();
void recv();
void step();
virtual void processingMessage( UniSetTypes::VoidMessage *msg );
void sysCommand( UniSetTypes::SystemMessage *msg );
void sensorInfo( UniSetTypes::SensorMessage*sm );
void askSensors( UniversalIO::UIOCommand cmd );
void waitSMReady();
virtual bool activateObject();
// действия при завершении работы
virtual void sigterm( int signo );
void initIterators();
bool initPause;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex mutex_start;
PassiveTimer ptHeartBeat;
UniSetTypes::ObjectId sidHeartBeat;
int maxHeartBeat;
IOController::AIOStateList::iterator aitHeartBeat;
UniSetTypes::ObjectId test_id;
int polltime; /*!< переодичность обновления данных, [мсек] */
ost::UNetDuplex* udp;
ost::IPV4Host host;
ost::tpport_t port;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex pollMutex;
Trigger trTimeout;
int recvTimeout;
bool activated;
int activateTimeout;
ThreadCreator<UNetReceiver>* thr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // UNetReceiver_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef UNetSender_H_
#define UNetSender_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cc++/socket.h>
#include "UniSetObject_LT.h"
#include "Trigger.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
#include "SMInterface.h"
#include "SharedMemory.h"
#include "ThreadCreator.h"
#include "UNetPacket.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class UNetSender:
public UniSetObject_LT
UNetSender( UniSetTypes::ObjectId objId, UniSetTypes::ObjectId shmID, SharedMemory* ic=0 );
virtual ~UNetSender();
/*! глобальная функция для инициализации объекта */
static UNetSender* init_udpsender( int argc, char* argv[],
UniSetTypes::ObjectId shmID, SharedMemory* ic=0 );
/*! глобальная функция для вывода help-а */
static void help_print( int argc, char* argv[] );
struct UItem
IOController_i::SensorInfo si;
IOController::AIOStateList::iterator ait;
IOController::DIOStateList::iterator dit;
UniSetTypes::uniset_spin_mutex val_lock;
UniSetUNet::UNetMessage::UNetDataList::iterator pack_it;
long val;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, UItem& p );
xmlNode* cnode;
std::string s_field;
std::string s_fvalue;
SMInterface* shm;
void poll();
void recv();
void send();
void step();
virtual void processingMessage( UniSetTypes::VoidMessage *msg );
void sysCommand( UniSetTypes::SystemMessage *msg );
void sensorInfo( UniSetTypes::SensorMessage*sm );
void askSensors( UniversalIO::UIOCommand cmd );
void waitSMReady();
virtual bool activateObject();
// действия при завершении работы
virtual void sigterm( int signo );
void initIterators();
bool initItem( UniXML_iterator& it );
bool readItem( UniXML& xml, UniXML_iterator& it, xmlNode* sec );
void readConfiguration();
bool check_item( UniXML_iterator& it );
bool initPause;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex mutex_start;
PassiveTimer ptHeartBeat;
UniSetTypes::ObjectId sidHeartBeat;
int maxHeartBeat;
IOController::AIOStateList::iterator aitHeartBeat;
UniSetTypes::ObjectId test_id;
int sendtime; /*!< переодичность посылки данных, [мсек] */
ost::TCPStream* tcp;
// ost::TCPSocket* tcp;
ost::IPV4Host host;
ost::tpport_t port;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex sendMutex;
Trigger trTimeout;
int sendTimeout;
bool activated;
int activateTimeout;
UniSetUNet::UNetMessage mypack;
typedef std::vector<UItem> DMap;
DMap dlist;
int maxItem;
ThreadCreator<UNetSender>* thr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // UNetSender_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ln -s -f ../../Utilities/scripts/
ln -s -f ../../Utilities/scripts/
ln -s -f ../../Utilities/scripts/
ln -s -f ../../conf/test.xml test.xml
#!/bin/sh -f ./uniset-udpexchange --udp-name UDPExchange --udp-host \
--udp-broadcast 1 --udp-polltime 1000 \
--confile test.xml \
--dlog-add-levels info,crit,warn
# --udp-filter-field udp --udp-filter-value 1 \
#include <sstream>
#include "ObjectsActivator.h"
#include "Extensions.h"
#include "UDPExchange.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using namespace std;
using namespace UniSetTypes;
using namespace UniSetExtensions;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main( int argc, char** argv )
if( argc>1 && (!strcmp(argv[1],"--help") || !strcmp(argv[1],"-h")) )
cout << "--smemory-id objectName - SharedMemory objectID. Default: read from <SharedMemory>" << endl;
cout << "--confile filename - configuration file. Default: configure.xml" << endl;
cout << "--udp-logfile filename - logfilename. Default: udpexchange.log" << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
string confile=UniSetTypes::getArgParam("--confile",argc,argv,"configure.xml");
conf = new Configuration( argc, argv, confile );
string logfilename(conf->getArgParam("--udp-logfile"));
if( logfilename.empty() )
logfilename = "udpexchange.log";
std::ostringstream logname;
string dir(conf->getLogDir());
logname << dir << logfilename;
unideb.logFile( logname.str() );
dlog.logFile( logname.str() );
ObjectId shmID = DefaultObjectId;
string sID = conf->getArgParam("--smemory-id");
if( !sID.empty() )
shmID = conf->getControllerID(sID);
shmID = getSharedMemoryID();
if( shmID == DefaultObjectId )
cerr << sID << "? SharedMemoryID not found in " << conf->getControllersSection() << " section" << endl;
return 1;
UDPExchange* rs = UDPExchange::init_udpexchange(argc,argv,shmID);
if( !rs )
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpexchange): init не прошёл..." << endl;
return 1;
ObjectsActivator act;
act.addObject(static_cast<class UniSetObject*>(rs));
SystemMessage sm(SystemMessage::StartUp);
act.broadcast( sm.transport_msg() );
unideb(Debug::ANY) << "\n\n\n";
unideb[Debug::ANY] << "(main): -------------- UDP Exchange START -------------------------\n\n";
dlog(Debug::ANY) << "\n\n\n";
dlog[Debug::ANY] << "(main): -------------- UDP Exchange START -------------------------\n\n";;
// msleep(500);
// rs->execute();
catch( Exception& ex )
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpexchange): " << ex << std::endl;
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpexchange): catch ..." << std::endl;
return 0;
#include <sstream>
#include "ObjectsActivator.h"
#include "Extensions.h"
#include "UDPReceiver.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using namespace std;
using namespace UniSetTypes;
using namespace UniSetExtensions;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main( int argc, char** argv )
if( argc>1 && (!strcmp(argv[1],"--help") || !strcmp(argv[1],"-h")) )
cout << "--smemory-id objectName - SharedMemory objectID. Default: read from <SharedMemory>" << endl;
cout << "--confile filename - configuration file. Default: configure.xml" << endl;
cout << "--udp-logfile filename - logfilename. Default: udpexchange.log" << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
string confile=UniSetTypes::getArgParam("--confile",argc,argv,"configure.xml");
conf = new Configuration( argc, argv, confile );
string logfilename(conf->getArgParam("--udp-logfile"));
if( logfilename.empty() )
logfilename = "udpexchange.log";
std::ostringstream logname;
string dir(conf->getLogDir());
logname << dir << logfilename;
unideb.logFile( logname.str() );
dlog.logFile( logname.str() );
ObjectId shmID = DefaultObjectId;
string sID = conf->getArgParam("--smemory-id");
if( !sID.empty() )
shmID = conf->getControllerID(sID);
shmID = getSharedMemoryID();
if( shmID == DefaultObjectId )
cerr << sID << "? SharedMemoryID not found in " << conf->getControllersSection() << " section" << endl;
return 1;
UDPReceiver* udp = UDPReceiver::init_udpreceiver(argc,argv,shmID);
if( !udp )
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpreceiver): init не прошёл..." << endl;
return 1;
ObjectsActivator act;
act.addObject(static_cast<class UniSetObject*>(udp));
SystemMessage sm(SystemMessage::StartUp);
act.broadcast( sm.transport_msg() );
unideb(Debug::ANY) << "\n\n\n";
unideb[Debug::ANY] << "(main): -------------- UDPRecevier START -------------------------\n\n";
dlog(Debug::ANY) << "\n\n\n";
dlog[Debug::ANY] << "(main): -------------- UDPReceiver START -------------------------\n\n";;
// msleep(500);
// rs->execute();
catch( Exception& ex )
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpexchange): " << ex << std::endl;
catch( ost::SockException& e )
ostringstream s;
s << e.getString() << ": " << e.getSystemErrorString();
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << s.str() << endl;
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpexchange): catch ..." << std::endl;
return 0;
#include <sstream>
#include "ObjectsActivator.h"
#include "Extensions.h"
#include "UDPSender.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using namespace std;
using namespace UniSetTypes;
using namespace UniSetExtensions;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main( int argc, char** argv )
if( argc>1 && (!strcmp(argv[1],"--help") || !strcmp(argv[1],"-h")) )
cout << "--smemory-id objectName - SharedMemory objectID. Default: read from <SharedMemory>" << endl;
cout << "--confile filename - configuration file. Default: configure.xml" << endl;
cout << "--udp-logfile filename - logfilename. Default: udpexchange.log" << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
string confile=UniSetTypes::getArgParam("--confile",argc,argv,"configure.xml");
conf = new Configuration( argc, argv, confile );
string logfilename(conf->getArgParam("--udp-logfile"));
if( logfilename.empty() )
logfilename = "udpexchange.log";
std::ostringstream logname;
string dir(conf->getLogDir());
logname << dir << logfilename;
unideb.logFile( logname.str() );
dlog.logFile( logname.str() );
ObjectId shmID = DefaultObjectId;
string sID = conf->getArgParam("--smemory-id");
if( !sID.empty() )
shmID = conf->getControllerID(sID);
shmID = getSharedMemoryID();
if( shmID == DefaultObjectId )
cerr << sID << "? SharedMemoryID not found in " << conf->getControllersSection() << " section" << endl;
return 1;
UDPSender* udp = UDPSender::init_udpsender(argc,argv,shmID);
if( !udp )
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpsender): init не прошёл..." << endl;
return 1;
ObjectsActivator act;
act.addObject(static_cast<class UniSetObject*>(udp));
SystemMessage sm(SystemMessage::StartUp);
act.broadcast( sm.transport_msg() );
unideb(Debug::ANY) << "\n\n\n";
unideb[Debug::ANY] << "(main): -------------- UDPSender START -------------------------\n\n";
dlog(Debug::ANY) << "\n\n\n";
dlog[Debug::ANY] << "(main): -------------- UDPSender START -------------------------\n\n";;
// msleep(500);
// rs->execute();
catch( Exception& ex )
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpsender): " << ex << std::endl;
catch( ost::SockException& e )
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpsender): " << e.getSystemErrorString() << endl;
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << "(udpsender): catch ..." << std::endl;
return 0;
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