Commit b8a0d03c authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

add new test: conftest for other configureation

parent b2595ed7
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ SID=$1
[ -z "$SID" ] && SID=1
echo "check auto ID configuration..." -f ./conftest --confile test.xml
#--unideb-add-levels system,info,level9
echo "check id from file configuration..." -f ./conftest --confile testID.xml
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'koi8-r' ?>
<!-- () UniSet -->
<NameService host="localhost" port="2809"/>
<LocalNode name="LocalhostNode"/>
<RootSection name="UNISET_PLC"/>
<CountOfNet name="1"/>
<RepeatCount name="3"/>
<RepeatTimeoutMS name="50"/>
<WatchDogTime name="0"/> <!-- [] -->
<PingNodeTime name="0"/> <!-- [] -->
<AutoStartUpTime name="1"/> <!-- [] -->
<DumpStateTime name="10"/><!-- [] -->
<SleepTickMS name="500"/><!-- [] -->
<!-- Debug, logs -->
<UniSetDebug name="unideb" levels="crit,warn" file=""/>
<!-- , -->
<ConfDir name=""/>
<DataDir name=""/>
<BinDir name=""/>
<LogDir name=""/>
<DocDir name=""/>
<LockDir name=""/>
<LocalTimeService name="TimeService" MaxCountTimers="100" AskLifeTimeSEC="10"/>
<LocalInfoServer name="InfoServer" dbrepeat="1">
<LocalDBServer name="DBServer" dbnode="" dbname="UNISET_PLC" dbuser="dbadmin" dbpass="dbadmin" pingTime="60000" reconnectTime="30000"/>
<LocalPrintServer device="/dev/lp0" checkTime="5000" />
<dlog name="dlog" levels="" file=""/>
<ObjectsMap idfromfile="1">
node -
iotype -
priority -
textname -
<nodes port="2809">
<item id="1000" name="LocalhostNode" alias="" textname=" " ip=""/>
<item id="1001" name="Node2" alias="" textname=" " ip=""/>
<!-- ************************ ********************** -->
<sensors name="Sensors">
<item id="1" name="Input1_S" textname=" 1" node="" iotype="DI" priority="Medium" default="1" />
<item id="4" name="Input2_S" textname=" 2" node="" iotype="DI" priority="Medium" />
<item id="140" name="Input3_S" textname=" 3" node="" iotype="DI" priority="Medium"/>
<thresholds name="thresholds">
<controllers name="Controllers">
<item id="90" name="SharedMemory"/>
<!-- ******************* ***************** -->
<services name="Services">
<item id="99" name="TimeService"/>
<!-- ******************* ***************** -->
<objects name="UniObjects">
<item id="100" name="TestProc"/>
<messages name="messages" idfromfile="1" >
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