Commit d763dfeb authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

(SM): сделал возможность указывать conf-секцию.

parent c125ff4b
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#include "NCRestorer.h"
#include "SharedMemory.h"
#include "Extensions.h"
#include "ORepHelpers.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using namespace std;
using namespace UniSetTypes;
......@@ -31,8 +30,7 @@ void SharedMemory::help_print( int argc, const char* const* argv )
cout << "--sm-no-history - отключить ведение истории (аварийного следа)" << endl;
cout << "--pulsar-id - датчик 'мигания'" << endl;
cout << "--pulsar-msec - период 'мигания'. По умолчанию: 5000." << endl;
cout << "--pulsar-iotype - [DI|DO]тип датчика для 'мигания'. По умолчанию DI." << endl;
cout << "--db-logging [1,0] - Включение логирования в DBServer. По умолчанию 0 (выключено)" << endl;
cout << "--pulsar-iotype - [DI|DO]тип датчика для 'мигания'. По умолчанию DI." << endl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SharedMemory::SharedMemory( ObjectId id, string datafile, std::string confname ):
......@@ -52,15 +50,13 @@ SharedMemory::SharedMemory( ObjectId id, string datafile, std::string confname )
xmlNode* cnode = conf->getNode(cname);
if( cnode == NULL )
throw SystemError("Not found conf-node for " + cname );
throw SystemError("Not find conf-node for SharedMemory");
UniXML_iterator it(cnode);
// ----------------------
signal_change_state().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SharedMemory::updateHistory));
for( History::iterator i=hist.begin(); i!=hist.end(); ++i )
// ----------------------
restorer = NULL;
NCRestorer_XML* rxml = new NCRestorer_XML(datafile);
......@@ -133,11 +129,10 @@ SharedMemory::SharedMemory( ObjectId id, string datafile, std::string confname )
if( !t.empty() )
iotypePulsar = UniSetTypes::getIOType(t);
if( iotypePulsar == UniversalIO::UnknownIOType ||
iotypePulsar == UniversalIO::AnalogInput || iotypePulsar == UniversalIO::AnalogOutput )
if( iotypePulsar == UniversalIO::UnknownIOType )
ostringstream err;
err << myname << ": Invalid iotype '" << t << "' for pulsar. Must be 'DI' or 'DO'";
err << myname << ": Unknown iotype '" << t << "' for pulsar. Must be 'DI' or 'DO'";
dlog[Debug::CRIT] << myname << "(init): " << err.str() << endl;
throw SystemError(err.str());
......@@ -335,7 +330,7 @@ bool SharedMemory::activateObject()
uniset_mutex_lock l(act_mutex,100);
activated = false;
UniSetTypes::uniset_mutex_lock l(mutex_start, 5000);
res = IONotifyController_LT::activateObject();
......@@ -529,6 +524,59 @@ bool SharedMemory::readItem( UniXML& xml, UniXML_iterator& it, xmlNode* sec )
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SharedMemory::localSaveValue( AIOStateList::iterator& it, const IOController_i::SensorInfo& si,
CORBA::Long newvalue, UniSetTypes::ObjectId sup_id )
if( hist.empty() )
IONotifyController_LT::localSaveValue( it, si, newvalue, sup_id );
uniset_mutex_lock l(hbmutex);
IONotifyController_LT::localSaveValue( it, si, newvalue, sup_id );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SharedMemory::localSaveState( DIOStateList::iterator& it, const IOController_i::SensorInfo& si,
CORBA::Boolean newstate, UniSetTypes::ObjectId sup_id )
if( hist.empty() )
IONotifyController_LT::localSaveState( it, si, newstate, sup_id );
uniset_mutex_lock l(hbmutex);
IONotifyController_LT::localSaveState( it, si, newstate, sup_id );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SharedMemory::localSetState( DIOStateList::iterator& it, const IOController_i::SensorInfo& si,
CORBA::Boolean newstate, UniSetTypes::ObjectId sup_id )
if( hist.empty() )
IONotifyController_LT::localSetState( it, si, newstate, sup_id );
uniset_mutex_lock l(hbmutex);
IONotifyController_LT::localSetState( it, si, newstate, sup_id );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SharedMemory::localSetValue( AIOStateList::iterator& it, const IOController_i::SensorInfo& si,
CORBA::Long value, UniSetTypes::ObjectId sup_id )
if( hist.empty() )
IONotifyController_LT::localSetValue( it, si, value, sup_id );
uniset_mutex_lock l(hbmutex);
IONotifyController_LT::localSetValue( it, si, value, sup_id );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SharedMemory* SharedMemory::init_smemory( int argc, const char* const* argv )
string dfile = conf->getArgParam("--datfile", conf->getConfFileName());
......@@ -546,9 +594,9 @@ SharedMemory* SharedMemory::init_smemory( int argc, const char* const* argv )
<< endl;
return 0;
string cname = conf->getArgParam("--smemory--confnode", ORepHelpers::getShortName(conf->oind->getMapName(ID)) );
return new SharedMemory(ID,dfile,cname);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -638,7 +686,7 @@ void SharedMemory::buildHistoryList( xmlNode* cnode )
dlog[Debug::WARN] << myname << "(buildHistoryList): xml=NULL?!" << endl;
xmlNode* n = xml->extFindNode(cnode,1,1,"History","");
if( !n )
......@@ -798,54 +846,48 @@ void SharedMemory::updateHistory( UniSetTypes::SensorMessage* sm )
<< endl;
HistoryFuseMap::iterator i = histmap.find(sm->id);
if( i == histmap.end() )
for( HistoryItList::iterator it1=i->second.begin(); it1!=i->second.end(); ++it1 )
for( History::iterator it=hist.begin(); it!=hist.end(); ++it )
History::iterator it( (*it1) );
if( sm->sensor_type == UniversalIO::DigitalInput ||
sm->sensor_type == UniversalIO::DigitalOutput )
bool st = it->fuse_invert ? !sm->state : sm->state;
if( st )
if( dlog.debugging(Debug::INFO) )
dlog[Debug::INFO] << myname << "(updateHistory): HISTORY EVENT for " << (*it) << endl;
it->fuse_sec = sm->sm_tv_sec;
it->fuse_usec = sm->sm_tv_usec;
m_historySignal.emit( &(*it) );
else if( sm->sensor_type == UniversalIO::AnalogInput ||
sm->sensor_type == UniversalIO::AnalogOutput )
if( sm->id == it->fuse_id )
if( !it->fuse_use_val )
if( sm->sensor_type == UniversalIO::DigitalInput ||
sm->sensor_type == UniversalIO::DigitalOutput )
bool st = it->fuse_invert ? !sm->state : sm->state;
if( !st )
if( st )
if( dlog.debugging(Debug::INFO) )
dlog[Debug::INFO] << myname << "(updateHistory): HISTORY EVENT for " << (*it) << endl;
it->fuse_sec = sm->sm_tv_sec;
it->fuse_usec = sm->sm_tv_usec;
it->fuse_tm = sm->tm;
m_historySignal.emit( &(*it) );
else if( sm->sensor_type == UniversalIO::AnalogInput ||
sm->sensor_type == UniversalIO::AnalogOutput )
if( sm->value == it->fuse_val )
if( !it->fuse_use_val )
if( dlog.debugging(Debug::INFO) )
dlog[Debug::INFO] << myname << "(updateHistory): HISTORY EVENT for " << (*it) << endl;
bool st = it->fuse_invert ? !sm->state : sm->state;
if( !st )
if( dlog.debugging(Debug::INFO) )
dlog[Debug::INFO] << myname << "(updateHistory): HISTORY EVENT for " << (*it) << endl;
it->fuse_sec = sm->sm_tv_sec;
it->fuse_usec = sm->sm_tv_usec;
m_historySignal.emit( &(*it) );
it->fuse_tm = sm->tm;
m_historySignal.emit( &(*it) );
if( sm->value == it->fuse_val )
if( dlog.debugging(Debug::INFO) )
dlog[Debug::INFO] << myname << "(updateHistory): HISTORY EVENT for " << (*it) << endl;
it->fuse_tm = sm->tm;
m_historySignal.emit( &(*it) );
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