Commit f9b2e2b9 authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

(DBServer_PostgreSQL): refactoring interface

parent 4a18b249
......@@ -74,17 +74,11 @@ void DBServer_PostgreSQL::sysCommand( const uniset::SystemMessage* sm )
case SystemMessage::Finish:
activate = false;
case SystemMessage::FoldUp:
activate = false;
......@@ -171,7 +165,7 @@ void DBServer_PostgreSQL::flushBuffer()
// Сперва пробуем очистить всё что накопилось в очереди до этого...
while( !qbuf.empty() )
if(!db->insert( qbuf.front() ))
if( !db->insert(qbuf.front()) )
dbcrit << myname << "(writeToBase): error: " << db->error() << " lost query: " << qbuf.front() << endl;
......@@ -222,7 +216,7 @@ void DBServer_PostgreSQL::flushInsertBuffer()
dbinfo << myname << "(flushInsertBuffer): write insert buffer[" << ibufSize << "] to DB.." << endl;
if( !writeBufferToDB("main_history", tblcols, ibuf) )
if( !writeInsertBufferToDB("main_history", tblcols, ibuf) )
dbcrit << myname << "(flushInsertBuffer): error: " << db->error() << endl;
......@@ -233,9 +227,18 @@ void DBServer_PostgreSQL::flushInsertBuffer()
bool DBServer_PostgreSQL::writeBufferToDB( const std::string& tableName
void DBServer_PostgreSQL::addRecord( const PostgreSQLInterface::Record&& rec )
ibuf.emplace_back( std::move(rec) );
if( ibufSize >= ibufMaxSize )
bool DBServer_PostgreSQL::writeInsertBufferToDB( const std::string& tableName
, const std::vector<std::string>& colNames
, DBServer_PostgreSQL::InsertBuffer& wbuf )
, const InsertBuffer& wbuf )
return db->copy(tableName, colNames, wbuf);
......@@ -265,11 +268,7 @@ void DBServer_PostgreSQL::sensorInfo( const uniset::SensorMessage* si )
if( ibufSize >= ibufMaxSize )
addRecord( std::move(rec) );
catch( const uniset::Exception& ex )
......@@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ void DBServer_PostgreSQL::initDBServer()
void DBServer_PostgreSQL::createTables( std::shared_ptr<PostgreSQLInterface>& db )
void DBServer_PostgreSQL::createTables( const std::shared_ptr<PostgreSQLInterface>& db )
auto conf = uniset_conf();
......@@ -548,3 +547,8 @@ void DBServer_PostgreSQL::help_print( int argc, const char* const* argv )
cout << DBServer::help_print() << endl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool DBServer_PostgreSQL::isConnectOk() const
return connect_ok;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -74,12 +74,14 @@ namespace uniset
return dblog;
bool isConnectOk() const;
typedef std::unordered_map<int, std::string> DBTableMap;
virtual void initDBServer() override;
virtual void initDB( std::unique_ptr<PostgreSQLInterface>& db ) {};
virtual void initDBTableMap(DBTableMap& tblMap) {};
virtual void initDBTableMap( DBTableMap& tblMap ) {};
virtual void timerInfo( const uniset::TimerMessage* tm ) override;
virtual void sysCommand( const uniset::SystemMessage* sm ) override;
......@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ namespace uniset
virtual std::string getMonitInfo( const std::string& params ) override;
bool writeToBase( const std::string& query );
void createTables( std::shared_ptr<PostgreSQLInterface>& db );
void createTables( const std::shared_ptr<PostgreSQLInterface>& db );
inline std::string tblName(int key)
......@@ -105,39 +107,38 @@ namespace uniset
std::unique_ptr<PostgreSQLInterface> db;
int PingTime = { 15000 };
int ReconnectTime = { 30000 };
bool connect_ok = { false }; /*! признак наличия соеднинения с сервером БД */
bool activate = { false };
typedef std::queue<std::string> QueryBuffer;
QueryBuffer qbuf;
size_t qbufSize = { 200 }; // размер буфера сообщений.
bool lastRemove = { false };
void flushBuffer();
std::mutex mqbuf;
// writeBuffer
const std::vector<std::string> tblcols = { "date", "time", "time_usec", "sensor_id", "value", "node" };
typedef std::vector<PostgreSQLInterface::Record> InsertBuffer;
InsertBuffer ibuf;
size_t ibufSize = { 0 };
size_t ibufMaxSize = { 2000 };
timeout_t ibufSyncTimeout = { 15000 };
void flushInsertBuffer();
virtual bool writeBufferToDB( const std::string& table
virtual void addRecord( const PostgreSQLInterface::Record&& rec );
virtual bool writeInsertBufferToDB( const std::string& table
, const std::vector<std::string>& colname
, InsertBuffer& ibuf );
float ibufOverflowCleanFactor = { 0.5 }; // коэфициент {0...1} чистки буфера при переполнении
, const InsertBuffer& ibuf );
DBTableMap tblMap;
int PingTime = { 15000 };
int ReconnectTime = { 30000 };
bool connect_ok = { false }; /*! признак наличия соеднинения с сервером БД */
QueryBuffer qbuf;
size_t qbufSize = { 200 }; // размер буфера сообщений.
bool lastRemove = { false };
std::mutex mqbuf;
InsertBuffer ibuf;
size_t ibufSize = { 0 };
size_t ibufMaxSize = { 2000 };
timeout_t ibufSyncTimeout = { 15000 };
float ibufOverflowCleanFactor = { 0.5 }; // коэфициент {0...1} чистки буфера при переполнении
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // end of namespace uniset
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