• Yue Wang's avatar
    OSXOutputPlugin: set the buffer time to be 100ms · f1ef9f9d
    Yue Wang authored
    [mk: the following text was copied from
    For certain format (hi-res files) and normal buffer size hardware, The
    hardware may at once consume most of the buffers. However, in Delay()
    function, MPD is supposed to wait for 25 ms after the next try. it
    will create a hiccup. The negative impact is much major than
    increasing the latency.
    I understand larger buffers come at a price. That's why in my earlier
    commit last year I significantly reduced it. However, the buffer size
    in CoreAudio is set according to the hardware, which is super small
    latency. For instance, the system audio of 2015 generation of macbook
    pro has maximum buffer size of 4096 samples, which is just 0.09s for
    44.1k framerate, or 0.04s for 96k frames --- . compare to the 0.5 sec
    latency alsa plugin has, even if we quadruple it, it's still super
OSXOutputPlugin.cxx 20 KB