• Thomas Guillem's avatar
    android: Main is now a service · 54a5491b
    Thomas Guillem authored
    - add Settings: Activity to start / stop MPD Service (Main).
    - Main is a service that run in foreground with a notification. See
      Service.startForeground documentation for more details.
    - Main.Client is used to control the service: start or stop it and also receive
      callbacks when service encounters an error, is killed, is started or is
    - Main.start to start the service without any fallback.
IMain.aidl 274 Bytes
package org.musicpd;
import org.musicpd.IMainCallback;

interface IMain
    void start();
    void stop();
    void setWakelockEnabled(boolean enabled);
    boolean isRunning();
    void registerCallback(IMainCallback cb);
    void unregisterCallback(IMainCallback cb);