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  • Eric Wong's avatar
    audiofile_plugin: use afSetVirtualSampleFormat, too · 64a4c635
    Eric Wong authored
    This finally fixes a bug from over two years ago playing a wave file
    (oprah.wav) with the following characteristics (from sfinfo):
    File Format    Microsoft RIFF WAVE Format (wave)
    Data Format    8-bit integer (unsigned, little endian)
    Audio Data     986827 bytes begins at offset 58 (3a hex)
    1 channel, 986827 frames
    Sampling Rate  22050.00 Hz
    Duration       44.754 seconds
    Of course, this has been regression tested with all the files
    that the previous commit got working.  Thanks to Michael Pruett
    (audiofile author) for the hint and shame on me for forgetting
    about it for over two years :x
    git-svn-id: 09075e82-0dd4-0310-85a5-a0d7c8717e4f
audiofile_plugin.c 4.41 KB