• Fredrik Noring's avatar
    decoder/sidplay: Fix date field to have year but not company or author · 2d61e526
    Fredrik Noring authored
    Field 2 is called <released>, formerly used as <copyright>[1][2]. It is
    formatted <year><space><company or author or group>, where <year> may be
    <YYYY>, <YYY?>, <YY??> or <YYYY-YY>, for example "1987", "199?", "19??"
    or "1985-87". The <company or author or group> may be for example Rob
    Hubbard. A full field may be for example "1987 Rob Hubbard".
    This change splits the <released> field at the first <space>, to retain
    the <year> part.
    The 51823 SID files in High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) version 71
    have the following distribution of dates:
        333 19??         11 1990-92       6 1995-99       2 2006-08
        827 198?         88 1990-93    2140 1996        530 2007
         32 1982         69 1990-94       9 1996-97      15 2007-08
          1 1982-83      49 1990-95       2 1996-98       2 2007-09
        255 1983       3467 1991          5 1996-99       1 2007-10
        677 1984         75 1991-92    1840 1997        430 2008
        775 1985         65 1991-93       4 1997-98      23 2008-09
          3 1985-86      10 1991-94    1276 1998          1 2008-12
         10 1985-87      35 1991-97       4 1998-99     631 2009
        943 1986       3320 1992        865 1999          1 2009-10
         12 1986-87      26 1992-93      24 200?        645 2010
          5 1986-89      59 1992-94     590 2000          1 2010-12
       2083 1987          1 1992-96       4 2000-01     538 2011
         31 1987-88    2996 1993        727 2001          1 2011-12
         44 1987-89      42 1993-94     875 2002        651 2012
       2510 1988         12 1993-95       2 2002-04     811 2013
        129 1988-89       2 1993-97     844 2003        790 2014
         91 1988-90    2737 1994          3 2003-05     740 2015
         58 1988-91      16 1994-95     842 2004        792 2016
       3466 1989         20 1994-96       2 2004-05     775 2017
         95 1989-90      17 1994-97     707 2005        638 2018
        150 1989-91    2271 1995          1 2005-06     284 2019
       1077 199?          2 1995-96       2 2005-07
       2834 1990          4 1995-97     785 2006
        119 1990-91       2 1995-98       6 2006-07
    [1] https://www.hvsc.c64.org/download/C64Music/DOCUMENTS/SID_file_format.txt
    [2] https://hvsc.c64.org/info
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