Commit 07b06d76 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

{android,win32}/ concatenate variables from the command line

parent 856fe2da
......@@ -154,5 +154,9 @@ configure = [
] + configure_args
from build.cmdline import concatenate_cmdline_variables
configure = concatenate_cmdline_variables(configure,
subprocess.check_call(configure, env=toolchain.env)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'], env=toolchain.env)
def concatenate_cmdline_variables(src, names):
"""Find duplicate variable declarations on the given source list, and
concatenate the values of those in the 'names' list."""
# the result list being constructed
dest = []
# a map of variable name to destination list index
positions = {}
for item in src:
i = item.find('=')
if i > 0:
# it's a variable
name = item[:i]
if name in names:
# it's a known variable
if name in positions:
# already specified: concatenate instead of
# appending it
dest[positions[name]] += ' ' + item[i + 1:]
# not yet seen: append it and remember the list
# index
positions[name] = len(dest)
return dest
......@@ -112,5 +112,9 @@ configure = [
] + configure_args
from build.cmdline import concatenate_cmdline_variables
configure = concatenate_cmdline_variables(configure,
subprocess.check_call(configure, env=toolchain.env)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'], env=toolchain.env)
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