Commit 10ec478a authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann refuse to build with buggy Boost version 1.67

parent 86f10749
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ver 0.21.1 (not yet released)
* fix build failure on Linux-PowerPC
* fix build failure on FreeBSD
* eliminate DLL dependencies on Windows
* refuse to build with buggy Boost version 1.67
* require Meson 0.47.2 because a Meson 0.47.1 bug breaks our build
ver 0.21 (2018/10/31)
......@@ -172,6 +172,11 @@ inc = include_directories(
boost_dep = dependency('boost', version: '>= 1.58')
if boost_dep.version() == '1.67'
error('Your Boost version 1.67 is known to be buggy, and the MPD build will fail. Please upgrade to Boost 1.68 or later.')
sources = [
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