Commit 2daa3eb6 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

{android,win32}/ add toolchain classes

parent 3079aa1f
......@@ -30,27 +30,30 @@ arch_path = os.path.join(lib_path, host_arch)
build_path = os.path.join(arch_path, 'build')
root_path = os.path.join(arch_path, 'root')
# redirect pkg-config to use our root directory instead of the default
# one on the build host
os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(root_path, 'lib/pkgconfig')
gcc_toolchain = '/usr'
def select_toolchain():
global cc, cxx, ar, nm, strip, cflags, cxxflags, cppflags, ldflags, libs
target_arch = ''
cc = os.path.join(gcc_toolchain, 'bin', host_arch + '-gcc')
cxx = os.path.join(gcc_toolchain, 'bin', host_arch + '-g++')
ar = os.path.join(gcc_toolchain, 'bin', host_arch + '-ar')
nm = os.path.join(gcc_toolchain, 'bin', host_arch + '-nm')
strip = os.path.join(gcc_toolchain, 'bin', host_arch + '-strip')
cflags = '-O2 -g ' + target_arch
cxxflags = '-O2 -g ' + target_arch
cppflags = '-I' + root_path + '/include'
ldflags = '-L' + root_path + '/lib'
libs = ''
class CrossGccToolchain:
def __init__(self, toolchain_path, arch, install_prefix):
self.arch = arch
self.install_prefix = install_prefix
toolchain_bin = os.path.join(toolchain_path, 'bin') = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-gcc')
self.cxx = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-g++') = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-ar')
self.nm = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-nm')
self.strip = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-strip')
common_flags = ''
self.cflags = '-O2 -g ' + common_flags
self.cxxflags = '-O2 -g ' + common_flags
self.cppflags = '-isystem ' + os.path.join(install_prefix, 'include')
self.ldflags = '-L' + os.path.join(root_path, 'lib')
self.libs = ''
self.env = dict(os.environ)
# redirect pkg-config to use our root directory instead of the
# default one on the build host
self.env['PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'lib/pkgconfig')
def file_md5(path):
"""Calculate the MD5 checksum of a file and return it in hexadecimal notation."""
......@@ -116,10 +119,9 @@ class Project:
def download(self):
return download_tarball(self.url, self.md5)
def is_installed(self):
global root_path
def is_installed(self, toolchain):
tarball =
installed = os.path.join(root_path, self.installed)
installed = os.path.join(toolchain.install_prefix, self.installed)
tarball_mtime = os.path.getmtime(tarball)
return os.path.getmtime(installed) >= tarball_mtime
......@@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ class AutotoolsProject(Project):
self.autogen = autogen
self.cppflags = cppflags
def build(self):
def build(self, toolchain):
src = self.unpack()
if self.autogen:
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/aclocal'], cwd=src)
......@@ -171,46 +173,46 @@ class AutotoolsProject(Project):
build = self.make_build_path()
configure = [
os.path.join(src, 'configure'),
'CC=' + cc,
'CXX=' + cxx,
'CFLAGS=' + cflags,
'CXXFLAGS=' + cxxflags,
'CPPFLAGS=' + cppflags + ' ' + self.cppflags,
'LDFLAGS=' + ldflags,
'LIBS=' + libs,
'AR=' + ar,
'STRIP=' + strip,
'--host=' + host_arch,
'--prefix=' + root_path,
'CC=' +,
'CXX=' + toolchain.cxx,
'CFLAGS=' + toolchain.cflags,
'CXXFLAGS=' + toolchain.cxxflags,
'CPPFLAGS=' + toolchain.cppflags + ' ' + self.cppflags,
'LDFLAGS=' + toolchain.ldflags,
'LIBS=' + toolchain.libs,
'AR=' +,
'STRIP=' + toolchain.strip,
'--host=' + toolchain.arch,
'--prefix=' + toolchain.install_prefix,
] + self.configure_args
subprocess.check_call(configure, cwd=build)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'], cwd=build)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', 'install'], cwd=build)
subprocess.check_call(configure, cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'],
cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', 'install'],
cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)
class ZlibProject(Project):
def __init__(self, url, md5, installed,
Project.__init__(self, url, md5, installed, **kwargs)
def build(self):
def build(self, toolchain):
src = self.unpack(out_of_tree=False)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet',
'-f', 'win32/Makefile.gcc',
'PREFIX=' + host_arch + '-',
'PREFIX=' + toolchain.arch + '-',
'DESTDIR=' + root_path + '/',
'DESTDIR=' + toolchain.install_prefix + '/',
cwd=src, env=toolchain.env)
class FfmpegProject(Project):
def __init__(self, url, md5, installed, configure_args=[],
......@@ -220,31 +222,32 @@ class FfmpegProject(Project):
self.configure_args = configure_args
self.cppflags = cppflags
def build(self):
def build(self, toolchain):
src = self.unpack()
build = self.make_build_path()
configure = [
os.path.join(src, 'configure'),
'--cc=' + cc,
'--cxx=' + cxx,
'--nm=' + nm,
'--extra-cflags=' + cflags + ' ' + cppflags + ' ' + self.cppflags,
'--extra-cxxflags=' + cxxflags + ' ' + cppflags + ' ' + self.cppflags,
'--extra-ldflags=' + ldflags,
'--extra-libs=' + libs,
'--ar=' + ar,
'--cc=' +,
'--cxx=' + toolchain.cxx,
'--nm=' + toolchain.nm,
'--extra-cflags=' + toolchain.cflags + ' ' + toolchain.cppflags + ' ' + self.cppflags,
'--extra-cxxflags=' + toolchain.cxxflags + ' ' + toolchain.cppflags + ' ' + self.cppflags,
'--extra-ldflags=' + toolchain.ldflags,
'--extra-libs=' + toolchain.libs,
'--ar=' +,
'--cross-prefix=' + host_arch + '-',
'--prefix=' + root_path,
'--cross-prefix=' + toolchain.arch + '-',
'--prefix=' + toolchain.install_prefix,
] + self.configure_args
subprocess.check_call(configure, cwd=build)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'], cwd=build)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', 'install'], cwd=build)
subprocess.check_call(configure, cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'],
cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', 'install'],
cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)
class BoostProject(Project):
def __init__(self, url, md5, installed,
......@@ -255,12 +258,12 @@ class BoostProject(Project):
name='boost', version=version,
def build(self):
def build(self, toolchain):
src = self.unpack()
# install the headers manually; don't build any library
# (because right now, we only use header-only libraries)
includedir = os.path.join(root_path, 'include')
includedir = os.path.join(toolchain.install_prefix, 'include')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(src, 'boost')):
relpath = dirpath[len(src)+1:]
destdir = os.path.join(includedir, relpath)
......@@ -373,26 +376,27 @@ thirdparty_libs = [
# build the third-party libraries
toolchain = CrossGccToolchain('/usr', host_arch, root_path)
for x in thirdparty_libs:
if not x.is_installed():
if not x.is_installed(toolchain):
# configure and build MPD
configure = [
os.path.join(mpd_path, 'configure'),
'CC=' + cc,
'CXX=' + cxx,
'CFLAGS=' + cflags,
'CXXFLAGS=' + cxxflags,
'CPPFLAGS=' + cppflags,
'LDFLAGS=' + ldflags + ' -static',
'LIBS=' + libs,
'AR=' + ar,
'STRIP=' + strip,
'--host=' + host_arch,
'--prefix=' + root_path,
'CC=' +,
'CXX=' + toolchain.cxx,
'CFLAGS=' + toolchain.cflags,
'CXXFLAGS=' + toolchain.cxxflags,
'CPPFLAGS=' + toolchain.cppflags,
'LDFLAGS=' + toolchain.ldflags + ' -static',
'LIBS=' + toolchain.libs,
'AR=' +,
'STRIP=' + toolchain.strip,
'--host=' + toolchain.arch,
'--prefix=' + toolchain.install_prefix,
......@@ -400,5 +404,5 @@ configure = [
] + configure_args
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'])
subprocess.check_call(configure, env=toolchain.env)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'], env=toolchain.env)
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