Commit 6cbd77fc authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

doc/protocol.rst: mention "in seconds" where it was missing

parent 1bc78e9f
......@@ -414,9 +414,10 @@ Querying :program:`MPD`'s status
- ``songid``: playlist songid of the current song stopped on or playing
- ``nextsong`` [#since_0_15]_: playlist song number of the next song to be played
- ``nextsongid`` [#since_0_15]_: playlist songid of the next song to be played
- ``time``: total time elapsed (of current playing/paused song)
- ``time``: total time elapsed (of current playing/paused song) in seconds
(deprecated, use ``elapsed`` instead)
- ``elapsed`` [#since_0_16]_: Total time elapsed within the current song, but with higher resolution.
- ``elapsed`` [#since_0_16]_: Total time elapsed within the
current song in seconds, but with higher resolution.
- ``duration`` [#since_0_20]_: Duration of the current song in seconds.
- ``bitrate``: instantaneous bitrate in kbps
- ``xfade``: ``crossfade`` in seconds
......@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ Querying :program:`MPD`'s status
- ``albums``: number of albums
- ``songs``: number of songs
- ``uptime``: daemon uptime in seconds
- ``db_playtime``: sum of all song times in the db
- ``db_playtime``: sum of all song times in the database in seconds
- ``db_update``: last db update in UNIX time
- ``playtime``: time length of music played
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