Commit 70c6cc33 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

conf: removed parseConfigFilePath()

Use config_get_path() instead in mapper.c.
parent a0603d88
......@@ -425,29 +425,6 @@ getBlockParam(struct config_param * param, const char *name)
return ret;
struct config_param *
parseConfigFilePath(const char *name, int force)
struct config_param *param = config_get_param(name);
char *path;
if (!param && force)
g_error("config parameter \"%s\" not found\n", name);
if (!param)
return NULL;
path = parsePath(param->value);
if (!path)
g_error("error parsing \"%s\" at line %i\n",
name, param->line);
param->value = path;
return param;
bool config_get_bool(const char *name, bool default_value)
struct config_param *param = config_get_param(name);
......@@ -112,9 +112,6 @@ config_get_path(const char *name);
struct block_param *
getBlockParam(struct config_param *param, const char *name);
struct config_param *
parseConfigFilePath(const char *name, int force);
bool config_get_bool(const char *name, bool default_value);
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static size_t music_dir_length;
static char *playlist_dir;
static void
mapper_set_music_dir(const char *path, int line)
mapper_set_music_dir(const char *path)
int ret;
struct stat st;
......@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ mapper_set_music_dir(const char *path, int line)
ret = stat(music_dir, &st);
if (ret < 0)
g_warning("failed to stat music directory \"%s\" (config line %i): %s\n",
music_dir, line, g_strerror(errno));
g_warning("failed to stat music directory \"%s\": %s",
music_dir, g_strerror(errno));
else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
g_warning("music directory is not a directory: \"%s\" (config line %i)\n",
music_dir, line);
g_warning("music directory is not a directory: \"%s\"",
static void
mapper_set_playlist_dir(const char *path, int line)
mapper_set_playlist_dir(const char *path)
int ret;
struct stat st;
......@@ -68,32 +68,31 @@ mapper_set_playlist_dir(const char *path, int line)
ret = stat(playlist_dir, &st);
if (ret < 0)
g_warning("failed to stat playlist directory \"%s\" (config line %i): %s\n",
playlist_dir, line, g_strerror(errno));
g_warning("failed to stat playlist directory \"%s\": %s",
playlist_dir, g_strerror(errno));
else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
g_warning("playlist directory is not a directory: \"%s\" (config line %i)\n",
playlist_dir, line);
g_warning("playlist directory is not a directory: \"%s\"",
void mapper_init(void)
struct config_param *param;
const char *path;
param = parseConfigFilePath(CONF_MUSIC_DIR, false);
if (param != NULL)
mapper_set_music_dir(param->value, param->line);
path = config_get_path(CONF_MUSIC_DIR);
if (path != NULL)
else {
const char *path =
path = g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_MUSIC);
if (path != NULL)
mapper_set_music_dir(path, -1);
param = parseConfigFilePath(CONF_PLAYLIST_DIR, false);
if (param != NULL)
mapper_set_playlist_dir(param->value, param->line);
path = config_get_path(CONF_PLAYLIST_DIR);
if (path != NULL)
void mapper_finish(void)
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