Commit 89e7a501 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

doc/protocol.rst: explain song positions vs ids

parent 7235b46e
......@@ -553,6 +553,22 @@ The Queue
naming convention, but for the sake of compatibility, we
cannot rename commands.
There are two ways to address songs within the queue: by their
position and by their id.
The position is a 1-based index. It is unstable by design: if you
move, delete or insert songs, all following indices will change, and a
client can never be sure what song is behind a given index/position.
Song ids on the other hand are stable: an id is assigned to a song
when it is added, and will stay the same, no matter how much it is
moved around. Adding the same song twice will assign different ids to
them, and a deleted-and-readded song will have a new id. This way, a
client can always be sure the correct song is being used.
Many commands come in two flavors, one for each address type.
Whenever possible, ids should be used.
:command:`add {URI}`
Adds the file ``URI`` to the playlist
(directories add recursively). ``URI``
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