Commit 8ac776c5 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

decoder_thread: don't try a plugin twice (MIME type & suffix)

Manage a linked list of plugins which were already tried.
parent 006f4be7
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ ver 0.16 (20??/??/??)
- added tags "ArtistSort", "AlbumArtistSort"
- id3: revised "performer" tag support
* decoders:
- don't try a plugin twice (MIME type & suffix)
- ffmpeg: support multiple tags
- ffmpeg: convert metadata to generic format
- sndfile: new decoder plugin based on libsndfile
......@@ -157,44 +157,85 @@ decoder_file_decode(const struct decoder_plugin *plugin,
* Hack to allow tracking const decoder plugins in a GSList.
static inline gpointer
deconst_plugin(const struct decoder_plugin *plugin)
union {
const struct decoder_plugin *in;
gpointer out;
} u = { .in = plugin };
return u.out;
* Try decoding a stream, using plugins matching the stream's MIME type.
* @param tried_r a list of plugins which were tried
static bool
decoder_run_stream_mime_type(struct decoder *decoder, struct input_stream *is)
decoder_run_stream_mime_type(struct decoder *decoder, struct input_stream *is,
GSList **tried_r)
assert(tried_r != NULL);
const struct decoder_plugin *plugin;
unsigned int next = 0;
if (is->mime == NULL)
return false;
while ((plugin = decoder_plugin_from_mime_type(is->mime, next++)))
if (plugin->stream_decode != NULL &&
decoder_stream_decode(plugin, decoder, is))
while ((plugin = decoder_plugin_from_mime_type(is->mime, next++))) {
if (plugin->stream_decode == NULL)
if (g_slist_find(*tried_r, plugin) != NULL)
/* don't try a plugin twice */
if (decoder_stream_decode(plugin, decoder, is))
return true;
*tried_r = g_slist_prepend(*tried_r, deconst_plugin(plugin));
return false;
* Try decoding a stream, using plugins matching the stream's URI
* suffix.
* @param tried_r a list of plugins which were tried
static bool
decoder_run_stream_suffix(struct decoder *decoder, struct input_stream *is,
const char *uri)
const char *uri, GSList **tried_r)
assert(tried_r != NULL);
const char *suffix = uri_get_suffix(uri);
const struct decoder_plugin *plugin = NULL;
if (suffix == NULL)
return false;
while ((plugin = decoder_plugin_from_suffix(suffix, plugin)) != NULL)
if (plugin->stream_decode != NULL &&
decoder_stream_decode(plugin, decoder, is))
while ((plugin = decoder_plugin_from_suffix(suffix, plugin)) != NULL) {
if (plugin->stream_decode == NULL)
if (g_slist_find(*tried_r, plugin) != NULL)
/* don't try a plugin twice */
if (decoder_stream_decode(plugin, decoder, is))
return true;
*tried_r = g_slist_prepend(*tried_r, deconst_plugin(plugin));
return false;
......@@ -231,15 +272,20 @@ decoder_run_stream(struct decoder *decoder, const char *uri)
GSList *tried = NULL;
success = dc->command == DECODE_COMMAND_STOP ||
/* first we try mime types: */
decoder_run_stream_mime_type(decoder, input_stream) ||
decoder_run_stream_mime_type(decoder, input_stream, &tried) ||
/* if that fails, try suffix matching the URL: */
decoder_run_stream_suffix(decoder, input_stream, uri) ||
decoder_run_stream_suffix(decoder, input_stream, uri,
&tried) ||
/* fallback to mp3: this is needed for bastard streams
that don't have a suffix or set the mimeType */
decoder_run_stream_fallback(decoder, input_stream);
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