Commit 8b141ae5 authored by Eric Wong's avatar Eric Wong

buffer input while waiting for outputBuffer space in mp4 and (ogg)flac

Both mp4 and (ogg)flac inputPlugins got HTTP inputStream support later in the game, so their calls to sendDataToOutputBuffer() didn't get updated to support buffering while the outputBuffer was full. This fixes it. git-svn-id: 09075e82-0dd4-0310-85a5-a0d7c8717e4f
parent 54339dfb
......@@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ MpdTag *copyVorbisCommentBlockToMpdTag(const FLAC__StreamMetadata * block,
/* keep this inlined, this is just macro but prettier :) */
static inline int flacSendChunk(FlacData * data)
if (sendDataToOutputBuffer(data->cb, NULL, data->dc, 1, data->chunk,
if (sendDataToOutputBuffer(data->cb, data->inStream,
data->dc, 1, data->chunk,
data->chunk_length, data->time,
data->replayGainInfo) ==
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ static int mp4_decode(OutputBuffer * cb, DecoderControl * dc,
sampleBuffer += offset * channels * 2;
sendDataToOutputBuffer(cb, NULL, dc, 1, sampleBuffer,
sendDataToOutputBuffer(cb, inStream, dc, 1, sampleBuffer,
sampleBufferLen, time, bitRate, NULL);
if (dc->stop) {
eof = 1;
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