Commit 8d540737 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

output/osx: silently ignore some errors in osx_output_set_device()

parent 1112d779
......@@ -673,20 +673,14 @@ osx_output_set_device(OSXOutput *oo)
status = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(deviceids[i], &aopa_name,
0, nullptr,
&size, &cfname);
if (status != noErr) {
char errormsg[1024];
osx_os_status_to_cstring(status, errormsg, sizeof(errormsg));
throw FormatRuntimeError("Unable to determine OS X device name "
"(device %u): %s",
(unsigned int) deviceids[i],
if (status != noErr)
const Apple::StringRef cfname_(cfname);
char name[256];
if (!cfname_.GetCString(name, sizeof(name)))
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to convert device name from CFStringRef to char*");
if (StringIsEqual(oo->device_name, name)) {
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