Commit 9647b2cb authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

pcm/Dsd2Pcm: move code to ApplySample()

For some reason, this speeds up the library by 2%.
parent 2d5bf532
......@@ -163,6 +163,14 @@ Dsd2Pcm::Reset() noexcept
inline void
Dsd2Pcm::ApplySample(size_t ffp, uint8_t src) noexcept
fifo[ffp] = src;
uint8_t *p = fifo + ((ffp-CTABLES) & FIFOMASK);
*p = bit_reverse(*p);
inline float
Dsd2Pcm::CalcOutputSample(size_t ffp) const noexcept
......@@ -184,10 +192,9 @@ Dsd2Pcm::Translate(size_t samples,
size_t ffp = fifopos;
while (samples-- > 0) {
unsigned bite1 = *src & 0xFFu;
src += src_stride;
if (lsbf) bite1 = bit_reverse(bite1);
fifo[ffp] = bite1; src += src_stride;
uint8_t *p = fifo + ((ffp-CTABLES) & FIFOMASK);
*p = bit_reverse(*p);
ApplySample(ffp, bite1);
*dst = CalcOutputSample(ffp);
dst += dst_stride;
ffp = (ffp + 1) & FIFOMASK;
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ public:
float *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride) noexcept;
void ApplySample(size_t ffp, uint8_t src) noexcept;
float CalcOutputSample(size_t ffp) const noexcept;
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