Commit 97e6ea57 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

decoder/mad: change "mp3_" suffix to "mad_"

parent 527642a9
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ mad_fixed_to_24_buffer(int32_t *dest, const struct mad_synth *synth,
static bool
mp3_plugin_init(const ConfigBlock &block)
mad_plugin_init(const ConfigBlock &block)
gapless_playback = block.GetBlockValue("gapless",
......@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ parse_lame(struct lame *lame, struct mad_bitptr *ptr, int *bitlen)
static inline SongTime
mp3_frame_duration(const struct mad_frame *frame)
mad_frame_duration(const struct mad_frame *frame)
return ToSongTime(frame->header.duration);
......@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ MadDecoder::FileSizeToSongLength()
if (input_stream.KnownSize()) {
offset_type rest = RestIncludingThisFrame();
const SongTime frame_duration = mp3_frame_duration(&frame);
const SongTime frame_duration = mad_frame_duration(&frame);
const SongTime duration =
frame.header.bitrate / 8);
......@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ MadDecoder::Read()
static void
mp3_decode(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input_stream)
mad_decode(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input_stream)
MadDecoder data(&client, input_stream);
......@@ -1011,11 +1011,11 @@ mad_decoder_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
return true;
static const char *const mp3_suffixes[] = { "mp3", "mp2", nullptr };
static const char *const mp3_mime_types[] = { "audio/mpeg", nullptr };
static const char *const mad_suffixes[] = { "mp3", "mp2", nullptr };
static const char *const mad_mime_types[] = { "audio/mpeg", nullptr };
constexpr DecoderPlugin mad_decoder_plugin =
DecoderPlugin("mad", mp3_decode, mad_decoder_scan_stream)
DecoderPlugin("mad", mad_decode, mad_decoder_scan_stream)
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