Commit 981bc858 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

output/shout: relax quality and bitrate checks, forward as-is

parent 015527d8
......@@ -117,34 +117,6 @@ ShoutOutput::ShoutOutput(const ConfigBlock &block)
const char *user = block.GetBlockValue("user", "source");
float quality = -2.0;
int bitrate = -1;
const char *value = block.GetBlockValue("quality");
if (value != nullptr) {
char *test;
quality = strtod(value, &test);
if (*test != '\0' || quality < -1.0 || quality > 10.0)
throw FormatRuntimeError("shout quality \"%s\" is not a number in the "
"range -1 to 10",
if (block.GetBlockValue("bitrate") != nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("quality and bitrate are "
"both defined");
} else {
value = block.GetBlockValue("bitrate");
if (value == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("neither bitrate nor quality defined");
char *test;
bitrate = strtol(value, &test, 10);
if (*test != '\0' || bitrate <= 0)
throw std::runtime_error("bitrate must be a positive integer");
const char *const mime_type = prepared_encoder->GetMimeType();
unsigned shout_format;
......@@ -154,7 +126,7 @@ ShoutOutput::ShoutOutput(const ConfigBlock &block)
shout_format = SHOUT_FORMAT_OGG;
unsigned protocol;
value = block.GetBlockValue("protocol");
const char *value = block.GetBlockValue("protocol");
if (value != nullptr) {
if (0 == strcmp(value, "shoutcast") &&
!StringIsEqual(mime_type, "audio/mpeg"))
......@@ -202,18 +174,13 @@ ShoutOutput::ShoutOutput(const ConfigBlock &block)
if (value != nullptr && shout_set_url(shout_conn, value))
throw std::runtime_error(shout_get_error(shout_conn));
char temp[11];
if (quality >= -1.0) {
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%2.2f", quality);
shout_set_audio_info(shout_conn, SHOUT_AI_QUALITY,
} else {
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d", bitrate);
shout_set_audio_info(shout_conn, SHOUT_AI_BITRATE,
value = block.GetBlockValue("quality");
if (value != nullptr)
shout_set_audio_info(shout_conn, SHOUT_AI_QUALITY, value);
value = block.GetBlockValue("bitrate");
if (value != nullptr)
shout_set_audio_info(shout_conn, SHOUT_AI_BITRATE, value);
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