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Commit cab16f8e authored by Avuton Olrich's avatar Avuton Olrich Move MVP to Audio Output Plugins (nonstreaming), add header.

parent 24db2807
......@@ -966,7 +966,12 @@ fi
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_PULSE, test x$enable_pulse = xyes)
dnl ----------------------------------- MVP -----------------------------------
if test x$enable_mvp = xyes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MVP,1,[Define to enable Hauppauge Media MVP support])
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_MVP, test x$enable_mvp = xyes)
MPD_AUTO_PKG(shout, SHOUT, [shout],
......@@ -994,11 +999,7 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_SOLARIS_OUTPUT, test x$enable_solaris_output = xyes)
if test x$enable_mvp = xyes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MVP,1,[Define to enable Hauppauge Media MVP support])
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_MVP, test x$enable_mvp = xyes)
if test x$enable_mpc = xyes; then
if test "x$mpcdec_libraries" != "x" ; then
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