Commit cfe024ea authored by Samir Benmendil's avatar Samir Benmendil Committed by Max Kellermann

command/file: return directory_uri if real_uri is unset

Prevent a segfault when accessing album art. Fix #1224 #1225
parent 993d8512
ver 0.22.11 (not yet released)
* protocol
- fix "albumart" crash
ver 0.22.10 (2021/08/06)
* protocol
......@@ -267,6 +267,9 @@ try {
AtScopeExit(db, song) { db->ReturnSong(song); };
if (song->real_uri == nullptr)
return directory_uri;
const char *real_uri = song->real_uri;
/* this is a simplification which is just enough for CUE
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