Commit d11a0c9f authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

pcm/Volume: apply volume into destination buffer

parent 7be2abe6
......@@ -92,47 +92,53 @@ pcm_volume_sample<SampleFormat::S32,
template<SampleFormat F, class Traits=SampleTraits<F>>
static void
pcm_volume_change(typename Traits::pointer_type buffer,
pcm_volume_change(typename Traits::pointer_type dest,
typename Traits::const_pointer_type src,
typename Traits::const_pointer_type end,
int volume)
while (buffer < end) {
const auto sample = *buffer;
*buffer++ = pcm_volume_sample<F, Traits>(sample, volume);
while (src < end) {
const auto sample = *src++;
*dest++ = pcm_volume_sample<F, Traits>(sample, volume);
static void
pcm_volume_change_8(int8_t *buffer, const int8_t *end, int volume)
pcm_volume_change_8(int8_t *dest, const int8_t *src, const int8_t *end,
int volume)
pcm_volume_change<SampleFormat::S8>(buffer, end, volume);
pcm_volume_change<SampleFormat::S8>(dest, src, end, volume);
static void
pcm_volume_change_16(int16_t *buffer, const int16_t *end, int volume)
pcm_volume_change_16(int16_t *dest, const int16_t *src, const int16_t *end,
int volume)
pcm_volume_change<SampleFormat::S16>(buffer, end, volume);
pcm_volume_change<SampleFormat::S16>(dest, src, end, volume);
static void
pcm_volume_change_24(int32_t *buffer, const int32_t *end, int volume)
pcm_volume_change_24(int32_t *dest, const int32_t *src, const int32_t *end,
int volume)
pcm_volume_change<SampleFormat::S24_P32>(buffer, end, volume);
pcm_volume_change<SampleFormat::S24_P32>(dest, src, end, volume);
static void
pcm_volume_change_32(int32_t *buffer, const int32_t *end, int volume)
pcm_volume_change_32(int32_t *dest, const int32_t *src, const int32_t *end,
int volume)
pcm_volume_change<SampleFormat::S32>(buffer, end, volume);
pcm_volume_change<SampleFormat::S32>(dest, src, end, volume);
static void
pcm_volume_change_float(float *buffer, const float *end, float volume)
pcm_volume_change_float(float *dest, const float *src, const float *end,
float volume)
while (buffer < end) {
float sample = *buffer;
while (src < end) {
float sample = *src++;
sample *= volume;
*buffer++ = sample;
*dest++ = sample;
......@@ -157,27 +163,37 @@ pcm_volume(void *buffer, size_t length,
return false;
case SampleFormat::S8:
pcm_volume_change_8((int8_t *)buffer, (const int8_t *)end,
pcm_volume_change_8((int8_t *)buffer,
(const int8_t *)buffer,
(const int8_t *)end,
return true;
case SampleFormat::S16:
pcm_volume_change_16((int16_t *)buffer, (const int16_t *)end,
pcm_volume_change_16((int16_t *)buffer,
(const int16_t *)buffer,
(const int16_t *)end,
return true;
case SampleFormat::S24_P32:
pcm_volume_change_24((int32_t *)buffer, (const int32_t *)end,
pcm_volume_change_24((int32_t *)buffer,
(const int32_t *)buffer,
(const int32_t *)end,
return true;
case SampleFormat::S32:
pcm_volume_change_32((int32_t *)buffer, (const int32_t *)end,
pcm_volume_change_32((int32_t *)buffer,
(const int32_t *)buffer,
(const int32_t *)end,
return true;
case SampleFormat::FLOAT:
pcm_volume_change_float((float *)buffer, (const float *)end,
pcm_volume_change_float((float *)buffer,
(const float *)buffer,
(const float *)end,
return true;
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