Commit dc328e0c authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

decoder/opus: move code to OggSeekPageAtOffset()

parent 92c85bd2
......@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@ OggFindEOS(OggSyncState &oy, ogg_stream_state &os, ogg_packet &packet)
static bool
OggSeekPageAtOffset(OggSyncState &oy, ogg_stream_state &os, InputStream &is,
InputStream::offset_type offset, int whence)
return is.LockSeek(offset, whence, IgnoreError()) &&
OggSeekFindEOS(OggSyncState &oy, ogg_stream_state &os, ogg_packet &packet,
InputStream &is)
......@@ -48,9 +58,6 @@ OggSeekFindEOS(OggSyncState &oy, ogg_stream_state &os, ogg_packet &packet,
if (!is.CheapSeeking())
return false;
return is.LockSeek(-65536, SEEK_END, IgnoreError()) &&
oy.ExpectPageSeekIn(os) &&
return OggSeekPageAtOffset(oy, os, is, -65536, SEEK_END) &&
OggFindEOS(oy, os, packet);
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