Commit eca0e6db authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

player: removed "volatile" attributes

Removed the "volatile" attributes from several variables which are not important for synchronization.
parent 862bbc21
......@@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ struct player_control {
volatile enum player_command command;
volatile enum player_state state;
volatile int8_t error;
volatile uint16_t bit_rate;
uint16_t bit_rate;
struct audio_format audio_format;
volatile float total_time;
volatile float elapsed_time;
float total_time;
float elapsed_time;
struct song *volatile next_song;
struct song *errored_song;
volatile double seek_where;
volatile float cross_fade_seconds;
volatile uint16_t software_volume;
volatile double total_play_time;
float cross_fade_seconds;
uint16_t software_volume;
double total_play_time;
extern struct player_control pc;
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