Commit f894e989 authored by Eric Wong's avatar Eric Wong

jack: fix potential segfaults in parsing bad configs for 'ports'

git-svn-id: 09075e82-0dd4-0310-85a5-a0d7c8717e4f
parent e1ee4505
......@@ -175,11 +175,27 @@ static int jack_initDriver(AudioOutput *audioOutput, ConfigParam *param)
if ( ! param ) return 0;
if ( (bp = getBlockParam(param, "ports")) ) {
cp = xstrdup(bp->value);
ERROR("output_ports=%s\n", cp);
output_ports[0] = xstrdup(strtok (cp, ","));
output_ports[1] = xstrdup(strtok (NULL, ","));
DEBUG("output_ports=%s\n", bp->value);
if (!(cp = strchr(bp->value, ',')))
FATAL("expected comma and a second value for '%s' "
"at line %d: %s\n",
bp->name, bp->line, bp->value);
*cp = '\0';
output_ports[0] = xstrdup(bp->value);
*cp++ = ',';
if (!*cp)
FATAL("expected a second value for '%s' at line %d: "
"%s\n", bp->name, bp->line, bp->value);
output_ports[1] = xstrdup(cp);
if (strchr(cp,','))
FATAL("Only %d values are supported for '%s' "
"at line %d\n",
ARRAY_SIZE(output_ports), bp->name, bp->line);
if ( (bp = getBlockParam(param, "ringbuffer_size")) ) {
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