Last commit
Last update
Archive.cxx db/UpdateWalk: move LocalStorage to Instance
Container.cxx db/UpdateWalk: move LocalStorage to Instance
Editor.cxx db/update/Editor: add locking method variants
Editor.hxx db/DatabaseListener: add method OnDatabaseSongRemoved()
ExcludeList.cxx ExcludeList: move to db/update/
ExcludeList.hxx ExcludeList: move to db/update/
InotifyDomain.cxx Database*: move to db/
InotifyDomain.hxx Database*: move to db/
InotifyQueue.cxx db/update: convert to OO API
InotifyQueue.hxx db/update: convert to OO API
InotifySource.cxx Database*: move to db/
InotifySource.hxx Database*: move to db/
InotifyUpdate.cxx db/update: convert to OO API
InotifyUpdate.hxx db/update: convert to OO API
Queue.cxx db/update: convert to OO API
Queue.hxx db/update: convert to OO API
Remove.cxx db/DatabaseListener: add method OnDatabaseSongRemoved()
Remove.hxx db/update/Remove: initialize attribute "removed_song"
Service.cxx db/update: convert to OO API
Service.hxx storage: add abstract interface
UpdateDomain.cxx Database*: move to db/
UpdateDomain.hxx Database*: move to db/
UpdateGlue.cxx storage: add abstract interface
UpdateIO.cxx storage: add abstract interface
UpdateIO.hxx storage: add abstract interface
UpdateSong.cxx Loading commit data...
Walk.cxx Loading commit data...
Walk.hxx Loading commit data...