• Krzysztof Foltman's avatar
    - F2 is now an accelerator for rename · b2d8cd3f
    Krzysztof Foltman authored
    - panel switching via TAB doesn't use IsDialogMessage anymore
    - focus is correctly set after main window activation (Alt+TAB etc),
      removed some focus-related bugs
    - pressing ENTER or double-clicking a value edits it
    - setting a value to an empty string is now allowed
    - adding a new value starts rename automatically
    - renaming a value doesn't move the cursor
    - removed some unnecessary code (NM_RCLICK in ListView etc)
    - right-click on tree view displays "New..." menu
    - default values are treated like in Windows RegEdit (displayed even
      when they aren't physically present, can't be renamed or deleted)
    - Polish translation had some weird characters added before Polish
framewnd.c 17.1 KB