Commit 027bbb30 authored by Brendan McGrath's avatar Brendan McGrath Committed by Alexandre Julliard

comctl32/tests: Fix tabcontrol tests to work with different fonts.

The WM_SETFONT was previously passing the hFont as the LPARAM (when it should be the WPARAM).
parent 39ae8778
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
#include "wine/test.h"
#include "msg.h"
#define TAB_PADDING_X 6
#define MAX_TABLEN 32
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static inline void expect_(unsigned line, DWORD expected, DWORD got)
#define expect_str(expected, got)\
ok ( strcmp(expected, got) == 0, "Expected '%s', got '%s'\n", expected, got)
#define TabWidthPadded(padd_x, num) (DEFAULT_MIN_TAB_WIDTH - (TAB_PADDING_X - (padd_x)) * num)
#define TabWidthPadded(default_min_tab_width, padd_x, num) ((default_min_tab_width) - (TAB_PADDING_X - (padd_x)) * num)
static BOOL (WINAPI *pImageList_Destroy)(HIMAGELIST);
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ create_tabcontrol (DWORD style, DWORD mask)
ok(handle != NULL, "failed to create tab wnd\n");
SendMessageA(handle, WM_SETFONT, 0, (LPARAM)hFont);
SendMessageA(handle, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, (LPARAM)0);
tcNewTab.mask = mask;
tcNewTab.pszText = text1;
......@@ -524,18 +524,19 @@ static void test_tab(INT nMinTabWidth)
HDC hdc;
HFONT hOldFont;
INT i, dpi, exp;
INT default_min_tab_width;
TEXTMETRICW text_metrics;
hwTab = create_tabcontrol(TCS_FIXEDWIDTH, TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_IMAGE);
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH, 0, nMinTabWidth);
/* Get System default MinTabWidth */
if (nMinTabWidth < 0)
nMinTabWidth = SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH, 0, nMinTabWidth);
hdc = GetDC(hwTab);
dpi = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
hOldFont = SelectObject(hdc, (HFONT)SendMessageA(hwTab, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0));
GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdc, "Tab 1", strlen("Tab 1"), &size);
trace("Tab1 text size:\n",,;
GetTextMetricsW(hdc, &text_metrics);
default_min_tab_width = text_metrics.tmAveCharWidth * MIN_CHAR_LENGTH + TAB_PADDING_X * 2;
SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont);
ReleaseDC(hwTab, hdc);
......@@ -603,14 +604,14 @@ static void test_tab(INT nMinTabWidth)
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH, 0, nMinTabWidth);
trace (" non fixed width, with text...\n");
exp = max( +TAB_PADDING_X*2, (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? DEFAULT_MIN_TAB_WIDTH : nMinTabWidth);
exp = max( +TAB_PADDING_X*2, (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? default_min_tab_width : nMinTabWidth);
SendMessageA( hwTab, TCM_GETITEMRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rTab );
ok( rTab.right - rTab.left == exp || broken(rTab.right - rTab.left == DEFAULT_MIN_TAB_WIDTH),
ok( rTab.right - rTab.left == exp || broken(rTab.right - rTab.left == default_min_tab_width),
"no icon, default width: Expected width [%d] got [%ld]\n", exp, rTab.right - rTab.left );
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
INT nTabWidth = (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? TabWidthPadded(i, 2) : nMinTabWidth;
INT nTabWidth = (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? TabWidthPadded(default_min_tab_width, i, 2) : nMinTabWidth;
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, 0);
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETPADDING, 0, MAKELPARAM(i, i));
......@@ -619,7 +620,7 @@ static void test_tab(INT nMinTabWidth)
TABCHECKSETSIZE(hwTab, 0, 1, max( + i*2, nTabWidth), 1, "no icon, min size");
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)himl);
nTabWidth = (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? TabWidthPadded(i, 3) : nMinTabWidth;
nTabWidth = (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? TabWidthPadded(default_min_tab_width, i, 3) : nMinTabWidth;
TABCHECKSETSIZE(hwTab, 50, 30, max( + 21 + i*3, nTabWidth), 30, "with icon, set size > icon");
TABCHECKSETSIZE(hwTab, 20, 20, max( + 21 + i*3, nTabWidth), 20, "with icon, set size < icon");
......@@ -631,14 +632,14 @@ static void test_tab(INT nMinTabWidth)
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH, 0, nMinTabWidth);
trace (" non fixed width, no text...\n");
exp = (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? DEFAULT_MIN_TAB_WIDTH : nMinTabWidth;
exp = (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? default_min_tab_width : nMinTabWidth;
SendMessageA( hwTab, TCM_GETITEMRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rTab );
ok( rTab.right - rTab.left == exp || broken(rTab.right - rTab.left == DEFAULT_MIN_TAB_WIDTH),
ok( rTab.right - rTab.left == exp || broken(rTab.right - rTab.left == default_min_tab_width),
"no icon, default width: Expected width [%d] got [%ld]\n", exp, rTab.right - rTab.left );
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
INT nTabWidth = (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? TabWidthPadded(i, 2) : nMinTabWidth;
INT nTabWidth = (nMinTabWidth < 0) ? TabWidthPadded(default_min_tab_width, i, 2) : nMinTabWidth;
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, 0);
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETPADDING, 0, MAKELPARAM(i, i));
......@@ -647,7 +648,7 @@ static void test_tab(INT nMinTabWidth)
TABCHECKSETSIZE(hwTab, 0, 1, nTabWidth, 1, "no icon, min size");
SendMessageA(hwTab, TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)himl);
if (i > 1 && nMinTabWidth > 0 && nMinTabWidth < DEFAULT_MIN_TAB_WIDTH)
if (i > 1 && nMinTabWidth > 0 && nMinTabWidth < default_min_tab_width)
nTabWidth += EXTRA_ICON_PADDING *(i-1);
TABCHECKSETSIZE(hwTab, 50, 30, nTabWidth, 30, "with icon, set size > icon");
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