Commit 0df058d8 authored by Huw Davies's avatar Huw Davies Committed by Alexandre Julliard

riched20: Add support for roman numeral labelled lists.

parent 9265a915
......@@ -151,11 +151,24 @@ static int para_num_get_num( ME_Paragraph *para )
static ME_String *para_num_get_str( ME_Paragraph *para, WORD num )
/* max 5 digits + '(' + ')' */
ME_String *str = ME_MakeStringEmpty( 5 + 2 );
/* max 4 Roman letters (representing '8') / decade + '(' + ')' */
ME_String *str = ME_MakeStringEmpty( 20 + 2 );
WCHAR *p = str->szData;
static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%', 'd', 0};
static const WORD letter_base[] = { 1, 26, 26 * 26, 26 * 26 * 26 };
/* roman_base should start on a '5' not a '1', otherwise the 'total' code will need adjusting.
'N' and 'O' are what MS uses for 5000 and 10000, their version doesn't work well above 30000,
but we'll use 'P' as the obvious extension, this gets us up to 2^16, which is all we care about. */
static const struct
int base;
char letter;
roman_base[] =
{50000, 'P'}, {10000, 'O'}, {5000, 'N'}, {1000, 'M'},
{500, 'D'}, {100, 'C'}, {50, 'L'}, {10, 'X'}, {5, 'V'}, {1, 'I'}
int i, len;
WORD letter, total, char_offset = 0;
......@@ -194,6 +207,40 @@ static ME_String *para_num_get_str( ME_Paragraph *para, WORD num )
p += len;
*p = 0;
char_offset = 'a' - 'A';
/* fall through */
if (!num) num = 1;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(roman_base) / sizeof(roman_base[0]); i++)
if (i > 0)
if (i % 2 == 0) /* eg 5000, check for 9000 */
total = roman_base[i].base + 4 * roman_base[i + 1].base;
else /* eg 1000, check for 4000 */
total = 4 * roman_base[i].base;
if (num / total)
*p++ = roman_base[(i & ~1) + 1].letter + char_offset;
*p++ = roman_base[i - 1].letter + char_offset;
num -= total;
len = num / roman_base[i].base;
while (len--)
*p++ = roman_base[i].letter + char_offset;
num -= roman_base[i].base;
*p = 0;
switch (para->fmt.wNumberingStyle & 0xf00)
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