Commit 154ce70b authored by Philip Rebohle's avatar Philip Rebohle Committed by Alexandre Julliard

dxgi: Signal the frame latency event on present.

parent 86c1ca87
......@@ -1097,6 +1097,9 @@ struct d3d12_swapchain
ID3D12Fence *frame_latency_fence;
HANDLE frame_latency_event;
uint64_t frame_number;
uint32_t frame_latency;
static DXGI_FORMAT dxgi_format_from_vk_format(VkFormat vk_format)
......@@ -2104,6 +2107,7 @@ static VkResult d3d12_swapchain_queue_present(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapchain,
static HRESULT d3d12_swapchain_present(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapchain,
unsigned int sync_interval, unsigned int flags)
HANDLE frame_latency_event;
VkQueue vk_queue;
VkResult vr;
......@@ -2166,6 +2170,25 @@ static HRESULT d3d12_swapchain_present(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapchain,
return hresult_from_vk_result(vr);
if ((frame_latency_event = swapchain->frame_latency_event))
if (FAILED(hr = ID3D12CommandQueue_Signal(swapchain->command_queue,
swapchain->frame_latency_fence, swapchain->frame_number)))
ERR("Failed to signal frame latency fence, hr %#x.\n", hr);
return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = ID3D12Fence_SetEventOnCompletion(swapchain->frame_latency_fence,
swapchain->frame_number - swapchain->frame_latency, frame_latency_event)))
ERR("Failed to enqueue frame latency event, hr %#x.\n", hr);
return hr;
swapchain->current_buffer_index = (swapchain->current_buffer_index + 1) % swapchain->desc.BufferCount;
vr = d3d12_swapchain_acquire_next_back_buffer(swapchain);
......@@ -2994,6 +3017,9 @@ static HRESULT d3d12_swapchain_init(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapchain, IWineDXGI
swapchain->frame_number = DXGI_MAX_SWAP_CHAIN_BUFFERS;
swapchain->frame_latency = 1;
if (FAILED(hr = ID3D12Device_CreateFence(device, DXGI_MAX_SWAP_CHAIN_BUFFERS,
0, &IID_ID3D12Fence, (void **)&swapchain->frame_latency_fence)))
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