Commit 3542c9c4 authored by Lionel Ulmer's avatar Lionel Ulmer Committed by Alexandre Julliard

- fix mipmap texture creation

- some logging improvements
parent 19ef31e8
......@@ -791,10 +791,11 @@ HRESULT d3dtexture_create(IDirect3DImpl *d3d, IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *surf, BOOL
if (mipmap_level == 0) {
glGenTextures(1, &(private->tex_name));
if (private->tex_name == 0) ERR("Error at creation of OpenGL texture ID !\n");
TRACE(" GL texture created (private data at %p and GL id %d).\n", private, private->tex_name);
TRACE(" GL texture created for surface %p (private data at %p and GL id %d).\n", surf, private, private->tex_name);
} else {
private->tex_name = ((IDirect3DTextureGLImpl *) main->tex_private)->tex_name;
TRACE(" GL texture created (private data at %p and GL id reusing id %d).\n", private, private->tex_name);
private->tex_name = ((IDirect3DTextureGLImpl *) (main->tex_private))->tex_name;
TRACE(" GL texture created for surface %p (private data at %p and GL id reusing id %d from surface %p (%p)).\n",
surf, private, private->tex_name, main, main->tex_private);
if ((at_creation == FALSE) &&
......@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ create_texture(IDirectDrawImpl* This, const DDSURFACEDESC2 *pDDSD,
return hr;
if (This->d3d) This->d3d->create_texture(This->d3d, ICOM_OBJECT(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl, IDirectDrawSurface7, *ppSurf), TRUE,
if (This->d3d) This->d3d->create_texture(This->d3d, ICOM_OBJECT(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl, IDirectDrawSurface7, mipmap), TRUE,
ICOM_OBJECT(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl, IDirectDrawSurface7, *ppSurf), mipmap_level);
IDirectDrawSurface7_AddAttachedSurface(prev_mipmap, mipmap);
......@@ -354,14 +354,6 @@ DIB_DirectDrawSurface_Blt(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 iface, LPRECT rdst,
TRACE("(%p)->(%p,%p,%p,%08lx,%p)\n", This,rdst,src,rsrc,dwFlags,lpbltfx);
sdesc.dwSize = sizeof(sdesc);
if (src) IDirectDrawSurface7_Lock(src, NULL, &sdesc, DDLOCK_READONLY, 0);
ddesc.dwSize = sizeof(ddesc);
if (TRACE_ON(ddraw)) {
if (rdst) TRACE("\tdestrect :%dx%d-%dx%d\n",rdst->left,rdst->top,rdst->right,rdst->bottom);
if (rsrc) TRACE("\tsrcrect :%dx%d-%dx%d\n",rsrc->left,rsrc->top,rsrc->right,rsrc->bottom);
......@@ -373,6 +365,14 @@ DIB_DirectDrawSurface_Blt(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 iface, LPRECT rdst,
sdesc.dwSize = sizeof(sdesc);
if (src) IDirectDrawSurface7_Lock(src, NULL, &sdesc, DDLOCK_READONLY, 0);
ddesc.dwSize = sizeof(ddesc);
if (rdst) {
} else {
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