Commit 3e3706ad authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

imm32/tests: Test that ImmSetOpenStatus doesn't set IMMGWL_IMC.

parent c0884c02
......@@ -4238,6 +4238,37 @@ cleanup:
struct ime_windows
HWND ime_hwnd;
HWND ime_ui_hwnd;
static BOOL CALLBACK enum_thread_ime_windows( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam )
struct ime_windows *params = (void *)lparam;
WCHAR buffer[256];
UINT ret;
ime_trace( "hwnd %p, lparam %#Ix\n", hwnd, lparam );
ret = RealGetWindowClassW( hwnd, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer) );
ok( ret, "RealGetWindowClassW returned %#x\n", ret );
if (!wcscmp( buffer, L"IME" ))
ok( !params->ime_hwnd, "Found extra IME window %p\n", hwnd );
params->ime_hwnd = hwnd;
if (!wcscmp( buffer, ime_ui_class.lpszClassName ))
ok( !params->ime_ui_hwnd, "Found extra IME UI window %p\n", hwnd );
params->ime_ui_hwnd = hwnd;
return TRUE;
static void test_ImmSetConversionStatus(void)
const struct ime_call set_conversion_status_0_seq[] =
......@@ -4473,8 +4504,10 @@ static void test_ImmSetOpenStatus(void)
HKL hkl;
struct ime_windows ime_windows = {0};
DWORD old_status, status;
HIMC himc;
ok_ret( 0, ImmGetOpenStatus( 0 ) );
old_status = ImmGetOpenStatus( default_himc );
......@@ -4521,6 +4554,22 @@ static void test_ImmSetOpenStatus(void)
ok_eq( 0xdeadbeef, status, UINT, "%#x" );
ok_eq( 0xdeadbeef, ctx->fOpen, UINT, "%#x" );
himc = ImmCreateContext();
ok_ne( NULL, himc, HIMC, "%p" );
ok_ret( 1, EnumThreadWindows( GetCurrentThreadId(), enum_thread_ime_windows, (LPARAM)&ime_windows ) );
ok_ne( NULL, ime_windows.ime_hwnd, HWND, "%p" );
ok_ne( NULL, ime_windows.ime_ui_hwnd, HWND, "%p" );
ok_eq( default_himc, (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtrW( ime_windows.ime_ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC ), HIMC, "%p" );
ok_ret( 1, ImmSetOpenStatus( himc, TRUE ) );
todo_wine ok_eq( default_himc, (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtrW( ime_windows.ime_ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC ), HIMC, "%p" );
ok_ret( 1, ImmSetOpenStatus( himc, FALSE ) );
todo_wine ok_eq( default_himc, (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtrW( ime_windows.ime_ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC ), HIMC, "%p" );
ok_ret( 1, ImmDestroyContext( himc ) );
memset( ime_calls, 0, sizeof(ime_calls) );
ime_call_count = 0;
ok_ret( 1, ImmSetOpenStatus( default_himc, 0xdeadbeef ) );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
......@@ -4640,37 +4689,6 @@ cleanup:
ok_ret( 1, DestroyWindow( hwnd ) );
struct ime_windows
HWND ime_hwnd;
HWND ime_ui_hwnd;
static BOOL CALLBACK enum_thread_ime_windows( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam )
struct ime_windows *params = (void *)lparam;
WCHAR buffer[256];
UINT ret;
ime_trace( "hwnd %p, lparam %#Ix\n", hwnd, lparam );
ret = RealGetWindowClassW( hwnd, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer) );
ok( ret, "RealGetWindowClassW returned %#x\n", ret );
if (!wcscmp( buffer, L"IME" ))
ok( !params->ime_hwnd, "Found extra IME window %p\n", hwnd );
params->ime_hwnd = hwnd;
if (!wcscmp( buffer, ime_ui_class.lpszClassName ))
ok( !params->ime_ui_hwnd, "Found extra IME UI window %p\n", hwnd );
params->ime_ui_hwnd = hwnd;
return TRUE;
static void test_ImmActivateLayout(void)
const struct ime_call activate_seq[] =
......@@ -5231,6 +5249,7 @@ static void test_ImmSetActiveContext(void)
HKL hkl;
struct ime_windows ime_windows = {0};
HIMC himc;
ime_info.fdwProperty = IME_PROP_END_UNLOAD | IME_PROP_UNICODE;
......@@ -5247,6 +5266,10 @@ static void test_ImmSetActiveContext(void)
memset( ime_calls, 0, sizeof(ime_calls) );
ime_call_count = 0;
ok_ret( 1, EnumThreadWindows( GetCurrentThreadId(), enum_thread_ime_windows, (LPARAM)&ime_windows ) );
ok_ne( NULL, ime_windows.ime_hwnd, HWND, "%p" );
ok_ne( NULL, ime_windows.ime_ui_hwnd, HWND, "%p" );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ok_ret( 1, ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, default_himc, TRUE ) );
ok_seq( activate_0_seq );
......@@ -5265,6 +5288,13 @@ static void test_ImmSetActiveContext(void)
ok_ret( 1, ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, himc, TRUE ) );
activate_1_seq[0].himc = himc;
ok_seq( activate_1_seq );
ok_eq( default_himc, (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtrW( ime_windows.ime_ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC ), HIMC, "%p" );
ok_ret( 1, ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, himc, TRUE ) );
ok_eq( default_himc, (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtrW( ime_windows.ime_ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC ), HIMC, "%p" );
ok_eq( default_himc, ImmAssociateContext( hwnd, himc ), HIMC, "%p" );
todo_wine ok_eq( himc, (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtrW( ime_windows.ime_ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC ), HIMC, "%p" );
ok_ret( 1, ImmDestroyContext( himc ) );
ok_ret( 1, ImmActivateLayout( default_hkl ) );
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