Commit 4ba54cb4 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

xinput1_3: Introduce a new override registry mechanism to force dinput.

parent ffdcafb9
MODULE = xinput1_1.dll
PARENTSRC = ../xinput1_3
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi advapi32
C_SRCS = \
MODULE = xinput1_2.dll
PARENTSRC = ../xinput1_3
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi advapi32
C_SRCS = \
MODULE = xinput1_3.dll
IMPORTLIB = xinput
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi advapi32
C_SRCS = \
......@@ -394,6 +394,52 @@ failed:
return FALSE;
static void get_registry_keys(HKEY *defkey, HKEY *appkey)
WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH + 26], *name = buffer, *tmp;
DWORD len;
HKEY hkey;
*appkey = 0;
if (RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Wine\\DirectInput\\Joysticks", defkey))
*defkey = 0;
if (!(len = GetModuleFileNameW(0, buffer, MAX_PATH)) || len >= MAX_PATH)
if (!RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults", &hkey))
if ((tmp = wcsrchr(name, '/'))) name = tmp + 1;
if ((tmp = wcsrchr(name, '\\'))) name = tmp + 1;
wcscat(name, L"\\DirectInput\\Joysticks");
if (RegOpenKeyW(hkey, name, appkey)) *appkey = 0;
static BOOL device_is_overriden(HANDLE device)
WCHAR name[MAX_PATH], buffer[MAX_PATH];
DWORD size = sizeof(buffer);
BOOL disable = FALSE;
HKEY defkey, appkey;
if (!HidD_GetProductString(device, name, MAX_PATH)) return FALSE;
get_registry_keys(&defkey, &appkey);
if (!defkey && !appkey) return FALSE;
if ((appkey && !RegQueryValueExW(appkey, name, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)buffer, &size)) ||
(defkey && !RegQueryValueExW(defkey, name, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)buffer, &size)))
if ((disable = !wcscmp(buffer, L"override")))
TRACE("Disabling gamepad '%s' based on registry key.\n", debugstr_w(name));
if (appkey) RegCloseKey(appkey);
if (defkey) RegCloseKey(defkey);
return disable;
static void update_controller_list(void)
char buffer[sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA_W) + MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)];
......@@ -437,6 +483,8 @@ static void update_controller_list(void)
else if (caps.Usage != HID_USAGE_GENERIC_GAMEPAD && caps.Usage != HID_USAGE_GENERIC_JOYSTICK &&
WARN("ignoring HID device, unsupported usage %04x:%04x\n", caps.UsagePage, caps.Usage);
else if (device_is_overriden(device))
WARN("ignoring HID device, overriden for dinput\n");
else if (!controller_init(&controllers[i], preparsed, &caps, device, detail->DevicePath))
WARN("ignoring HID device, failed to initialize\n");
MODULE = xinput1_4.dll
PARENTSRC = ../xinput1_3
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi advapi32
C_SRCS = \
MODULE = xinput9_1_0.dll
PARENTSRC = ../xinput1_3
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi
DELAYIMPORTS = hid setupapi advapi32
C_SRCS = \
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