Commit 52b93318 authored by Andrey Gusev's avatar Andrey Gusev Committed by Alexandre Julliard

sapiaut.idl: Fix a typo.

parent 543ed11f
......@@ -1956,7 +1956,7 @@ interface ISpeechRecognizer : IDispatch
HRESULT State([out,retval] SpeechRecognizerState *state);
[propget, id(DISPID_SRStatus)]
HRESULT Status([out,retval] ISpeechRecognizerStatus **satus);
HRESULT Status([out,retval] ISpeechRecognizerStatus **status);
[propputref, id(DISPID_SRProfile)]
HRESULT Profile([in,defaultvalue(0)] ISpeechObjectToken *profile);
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