Commit 8fce9369 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

oleaut32: Replace long and unsigned long by more appropriate types.

parent 8de02428
......@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ struct OLEFontImpl
* Size ratio
long cyLogical;
long cyHimetric;
LONG cyLogical;
LONG cyHimetric;
IConnectionPoint *pPropertyNotifyCP;
IConnectionPoint *pFontEventsCP;
......@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ typedef struct tagITypeLibImpl
BSTR DocString;
BSTR HelpFile;
BSTR HelpStringDll;
unsigned long dwHelpContext;
DWORD dwHelpContext;
int TypeInfoCount; /* nr of typeinfo's in librarry */
struct tagITypeInfoImpl *pTypeInfo; /* linked list of type info data */
int ctCustData; /* number of items in cust data list */
......@@ -1058,8 +1058,8 @@ typedef struct tagITypeInfoImpl
BSTR Name;
BSTR DocString;
BSTR DllName;
unsigned long dwHelpContext;
unsigned long dwHelpStringContext;
DWORD dwHelpContext;
DWORD dwHelpStringContext;
/* functions */
TLBFuncDesc * funclist; /* linked list with function descriptions */
......@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ static int ctl2_alloc_custdata(
if (offset == -1) return offset;
*((unsigned short *)&This->typelib_segment_data[MSFT_SEG_CUSTDATA][offset]) = VT_UI4;
*((unsigned long *)&This->typelib_segment_data[MSFT_SEG_CUSTDATA][offset+2]) = V_UI4(pVarVal);
*((unsigned int *)&This->typelib_segment_data[MSFT_SEG_CUSTDATA][offset+2]) = V_UI4(pVarVal);
......@@ -5571,7 +5571,9 @@ HRESULT WINAPI VarMod(LPVARIANT left, LPVARIANT right, LPVARIANT result)
V_VT(result) = VT_I8;
V_I8(result) = V_I8(&lv) % V_I8(&rv);
TRACE("V_I8(left) == %ld, V_I8(right) == %ld, V_I8(result) == %ld\n", (long)V_I8(&lv), (long)V_I8(&rv), (long)V_I8(result));
TRACE("V_I8(left) == %s, V_I8(right) == %s, V_I8(result) == %s\n",
wine_dbgstr_longlong(V_I8(&lv)), wine_dbgstr_longlong(V_I8(&rv)),
/* convert left and right to the destination type */
rc = VariantChangeType(result, result, 0, resT);
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