Commit 9f23eae5 authored by Frédéric Delanoy's avatar Frédéric Delanoy Committed by Alexandre Julliard

shell32/tests: Get rid of redundant lok_todo_N macros.

parent 61e70dfb
......@@ -351,8 +351,6 @@ static void test_get_set(void)
#define lok ok_(__FILE__, line)
#define lok_todo_4(todo_flag,a,b,c,d) todo_wine_if ((todo & todo_flag) != 0) lok((a), (b), (c), (d));
#define lok_todo_2(todo_flag,a,b) todo_wine_if ((todo & todo_flag) != 0) lok((a), (b));
#define check_lnk(a,b,c) check_lnk_(__LINE__, (a), (b), (c))
void create_lnk_(int line, const WCHAR* path, lnk_desc_t* desc, int save_fails)
......@@ -521,44 +519,44 @@ static void check_lnk_(int line, const WCHAR* path, lnk_desc_t* desc, int todo)
r = IShellLinkA_GetDescription(sl, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
lok(r == S_OK, "GetDescription failed (0x%08x)\n", r);
lok_todo_4(0x1, strcmp(buffer, desc->description)==0,
"GetDescription returned '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
buffer, desc->description);
todo_wine_if ((todo & 0x1) != 0)
lok(strcmp(buffer, desc->description)==0, "GetDescription returned '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
buffer, desc->description);
if (desc->workdir)
r = IShellLinkA_GetWorkingDirectory(sl, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
lok(r == S_OK, "GetWorkingDirectory failed (0x%08x)\n", r);
lok_todo_4(0x2, lstrcmpiA(buffer, desc->workdir)==0,
"GetWorkingDirectory returned '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
buffer, desc->workdir);
todo_wine_if ((todo & 0x2) != 0)
lok(lstrcmpiA(buffer, desc->workdir)==0, "GetWorkingDirectory returned '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
buffer, desc->workdir);
if (desc->path)
r = IShellLinkA_GetPath(sl, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL, SLGP_RAWPATH);
lok(SUCCEEDED(r), "GetPath failed (0x%08x)\n", r);
lok_todo_4(0x4, lstrcmpiA(buffer, desc->path)==0,
"GetPath returned '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
buffer, desc->path);
todo_wine_if ((todo & 0x4) != 0)
lok(lstrcmpiA(buffer, desc->path)==0, "GetPath returned '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
buffer, desc->path);
if (desc->pidl)
r = IShellLinkA_GetIDList(sl, &pidl);
lok(r == S_OK, "GetIDList failed (0x%08x)\n", r);
lok_todo_2(0x8, pILIsEqual(pidl, desc->pidl),
"GetIDList returned an incorrect pidl\n");
todo_wine_if ((todo & 0x8) != 0)
lok(pILIsEqual(pidl, desc->pidl), "GetIDList returned an incorrect pidl\n");
if (desc->showcmd)
int i=0xdeadbeef;
r = IShellLinkA_GetShowCmd(sl, &i);
lok(r == S_OK, "GetShowCmd failed (0x%08x)\n", r);
lok_todo_4(0x10, i==desc->showcmd,
"GetShowCmd returned 0x%0x instead of 0x%0x\n",
i, desc->showcmd);
todo_wine_if ((todo & 0x10) != 0)
lok(i==desc->showcmd, "GetShowCmd returned 0x%0x instead of 0x%0x\n",
i, desc->showcmd);
if (desc->icon)
......@@ -566,21 +564,21 @@ static void check_lnk_(int line, const WCHAR* path, lnk_desc_t* desc, int todo)
r = IShellLinkA_GetIconLocation(sl, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &i);
lok(r == S_OK, "GetIconLocation failed (0x%08x)\n", r);
lok_todo_4(0x20, lstrcmpiA(buffer, desc->icon)==0,
"GetIconLocation returned '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
buffer, desc->icon);
lok_todo_4(0x20, i==desc->icon_id,
"GetIconLocation returned 0x%0x instead of 0x%0x\n",
i, desc->icon_id);
todo_wine_if ((todo & 0x20) != 0) {
lok(lstrcmpiA(buffer, desc->icon)==0, "GetIconLocation returned '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
buffer, desc->icon);
lok(i==desc->icon_id, "GetIconLocation returned 0x%0x instead of 0x%0x\n",
i, desc->icon_id);
if (desc->hotkey)
WORD i=0xbeef;
r = IShellLinkA_GetHotkey(sl, &i);
lok(r == S_OK, "GetHotkey failed (0x%08x)\n", r);
lok_todo_4(0x40, i==desc->hotkey,
"GetHotkey returned 0x%04x instead of 0x%04x\n",
i, desc->hotkey);
todo_wine_if ((todo & 0x40) != 0)
lok(i==desc->hotkey, "GetHotkey returned 0x%04x instead of 0x%04x\n",
i, desc->hotkey);
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