Commit a035f67c authored by Iván Matellanes's avatar Iván Matellanes Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcirt: Implement istream constructors/destructors.

parent db90b19a
......@@ -2898,7 +2898,22 @@ static inline istream* ios_to_istream(const ios *base)
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(istream_sb_ctor, 12)
istream* __thiscall istream_sb_ctor(istream *this, streambuf *sb, BOOL virt_init)
FIXME("(%p %p %d) stub\n", this, sb, virt_init);
ios *base;
TRACE("(%p %p %d)\n", this, sb, virt_init);
if (virt_init) {
this->vbtable = istream_vbtable;
base = istream_get_ios(this);
ios_sb_ctor(base, sb);
} else {
base = istream_get_ios(this);
ios_init(base, sb);
base->vtable = &MSVCP_istream_vtable;
base->flags |= FLAGS_skipws;
this->extract_delim = 0;
this->count = 0;
return this;
......@@ -2907,8 +2922,7 @@ istream* __thiscall istream_sb_ctor(istream *this, streambuf *sb, BOOL virt_init
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(istream_copy_ctor, 12)
istream* __thiscall istream_copy_ctor(istream *this, const istream *copy, BOOL virt_init)
FIXME("(%p %p %d) stub\n", this, copy, virt_init);
return this;
return istream_sb_ctor(this, istream_get_ios(copy)->sb, virt_init);
/* ??0istream@@IAE@XZ */
......@@ -2916,7 +2930,20 @@ istream* __thiscall istream_copy_ctor(istream *this, const istream *copy, BOOL v
istream* __thiscall istream_ctor(istream *this, BOOL virt_init)
FIXME("(%p %d) stub\n", this, virt_init);
ios *base;
TRACE("(%p %d)\n", this, virt_init);
if (virt_init) {
this->vbtable = istream_vbtable;
base = istream_get_ios(this);
} else
base = istream_get_ios(this);
base->vtable = &MSVCP_istream_vtable;
base->flags |= FLAGS_skipws;
this->extract_delim = 0;
this->count = 0;
return this;
......@@ -2925,7 +2952,9 @@ istream* __thiscall istream_ctor(istream *this, BOOL virt_init)
void __thiscall istream_dtor(ios *base)
FIXME("(%p) stub\n", base);
istream *this = ios_to_istream(base);
TRACE("(%p)\n", this);
/* ??4istream@@IAEAAV0@PAVstreambuf@@@Z */
......@@ -2933,7 +2962,19 @@ void __thiscall istream_dtor(ios *base)
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(istream_assign_sb, 8)
istream* __thiscall istream_assign_sb(istream *this, streambuf *sb)
FIXME("(%p %p) stub\n", this, sb);
ios *base = istream_get_ios(this);
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", this, sb);
ios_init(base, sb);
base->state &= IOSTATE_badbit;
base->delbuf = 0;
base->tie = NULL;
base->flags = FLAGS_skipws;
base->precision = 6;
base->fill = ' ';
base->width = 0;
this->count = 0;
return this;
......@@ -2942,8 +2983,7 @@ istream* __thiscall istream_assign_sb(istream *this, streambuf *sb)
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(istream_assign, 8)
istream* __thiscall istream_assign(istream *this, const istream *rhs)
FIXME("(%p %p) stub\n", this, rhs);
return this;
return istream_assign_sb(this, istream_get_ios(rhs)->sb);
/* ??_Distream@@QAEXXZ */
......@@ -2951,7 +2991,12 @@ istream* __thiscall istream_assign(istream *this, const istream *rhs)
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(istream_vbase_dtor, 4)
void __thiscall istream_vbase_dtor(istream *this)
FIXME("(%p) stub\n", this);
ios *base = istream_to_ios(this);
TRACE("(%p)\n", this);
/* ??_Eistream@@UAEPAXI@Z */
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