Commit a0989060 authored by Alistair Leslie-Hughes's avatar Alistair Leslie-Hughes Committed by Alexandre Julliard

include: Add interfaces IMFMediaTypeHandler, IMFStreamDescriptor.

parent 90d4f7f3
......@@ -164,6 +164,54 @@ interface IMFSourceResolver : IUnknown
[local] HRESULT CanceObjectCreation([in] IUnknown *cancel_cookie);
interface IMFMediaTypeHandler : IUnknown
HRESULT IsMediaTypeSupported([in] IMFMediaType *in_type, [out] IMFMediaType **out_type);
HRESULT RemoteIsMediaTypeSupported([in, size_is(size)] BYTE *data, [in] DWORD size,
[out, size_is(, *match_count)] BYTE **match, [out] DWORD *match_count);
HRESULT GetMediaTypeCount([out] DWORD *count);
HRESULT GetMediaTypeByIndex([in] DWORD index, [out] IMFMediaType **type);
HRESULT RemoteGetMediaTypeByIndex([in] DWORD index, [out, size_is(, *count)] BYTE **data,
[out] DWORD *count);
HRESULT SetCurrentMediaType([in] IMFMediaType *type);
HRESULT RemoteSetCurrentMediaType([in, size_is(count)] BYTE *data, [in] DWORD count);
HRESULT GetCurrentMediaType([out] IMFMediaType **type);
HRESULT RemoteGetCurrentMediaType([out, size_is(, *count)] BYTE **data, [out] DWORD *count);
HRESULT GetMajorType([out] GUID *type);
interface IMFStreamDescriptor : IMFAttributes
HRESULT GetStreamIdentifier([out] DWORD *identifier);
HRESULT GetMediaTypeHandler([out] IMFMediaTypeHandler **handler);
cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI MFCreateMediaSession(IMFAttributes *config, IMFMediaSession **session);")
cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI MFCreateSourceResolver(IMFSourceResolver **resolver);")
cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI MFCreateTopology(IMFTopology **topology);")
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