Commit ab53187c authored by Damjan Jovanovic's avatar Damjan Jovanovic Committed by Alexandre Julliard

ntoskrnl.exe: Use IoGetNextIrpStackLocation.

parent e54d029f
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ PIRP WINAPI IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest( ULONG IoControlCode,
instance->irp = irp;
list_add_tail( &Irps, &instance->entry );
irpsp = irp->Tail.Overlay.s.u2.CurrentStackLocation - 1;
irpsp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
irpsp->MajorFunction = InternalDeviceIoControl ?
irpsp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IoControlCode;
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