Commit ca9df810 authored by Bernhard Kölbl's avatar Bernhard Kölbl Committed by Alexandre Julliard

include: Add missing required iface and retval for IMapView<K, V>.

In Signed-off-by: 's avatarBernhard Kölbl <> Signed-off-by: 's avatarRémi Bernon <> Signed-off-by: 's avatarAlexandre Julliard <>
parent e5a71cad
......@@ -76,18 +76,6 @@ cpp_quote("#endif")
contract(Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract, 1.0),
interface IMapView<K, V> : IInspectable
HRESULT Lookup([in] K key, [out] V *value);
[propget] HRESULT Size([out] unsigned int *size);
HRESULT HasKey([in] K key, [out] boolean *found);
HRESULT Split([out] IMapView<K, V> **first, [out] IMapView<K, V> **second);
contract(Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract, 1.0),
interface IIterator<T> : IInspectable
......@@ -109,6 +97,29 @@ cpp_quote("#endif")
contract(Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract, 1.0),
interface IKeyValuePair<K, V> : IInspectable
[propget] HRESULT Key([out, retval] K *key);
[propget] HRESULT Value([out, retval] V *value);
contract(Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract, 1.0),
interface IMapView<K, V> : IInspectable
requires IIterable<IKeyValuePair<K, V> *>
HRESULT Lookup([in] K key, [out, retval] V *value);
[propget] HRESULT Size([out, retval] unsigned int *size);
HRESULT HasKey([in] K key, [out, retval] boolean *found);
HRESULT Split([out] IMapView<K, V> **first, [out] IMapView<K, V> **second);
contract(Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract, 1.0),
interface IVectorView<T> : IInspectable
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