Commit cdf091f2 authored by Austin English's avatar Austin English Committed by Alexandre Julliard

ws2_32: Remove unused variable.

parent 59ef151a
......@@ -3120,15 +3120,13 @@ int WINAPI WS_select(int nfds, WS_fd_set *ws_readfds,
static void WS_AddCompletion( SOCKET sock, ULONG_PTR CompletionValue, NTSTATUS CompletionStatus,
ULONG Information )
NTSTATUS status;
SERVER_START_REQ( add_fd_completion )
req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( SOCKET2HANDLE(sock) );
req->cvalue = CompletionValue;
req->status = CompletionStatus;
req->information = Information;
status = wine_server_call( req );
wine_server_call( req );
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