Commit cf983bf1 authored by Rob Shearman's avatar Rob Shearman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

widl: Missing size_is or length_is attributes should generate 0xffffffff for the…

widl: Missing size_is or length_is attributes should generate 0xffffffff for the correlation description.
parent c5c0a26f
......@@ -494,6 +494,12 @@ static size_t write_conf_or_var_desc(FILE *file, const type_t *structure,
const char *operator_string = "no operators";
const expr_t *subexpr;
if (!expr)
print_file(file, 2, "NdrFcLong(0xffffffff),\t/* -1 */\n");
return 4;
if (!structure)
/* Top-level conformance calculations are done inline. */
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