Commit e26c2a56 authored by Jason Edmeades's avatar Jason Edmeades Committed by Alexandre Julliard

attrib: Add support for attrib /s.

parent 8e575940
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
static const WCHAR starW[] = {'*','\0'};
/* =========================================================================
* Load a string from the resource file, handling any error
* Returns string retrieved from resource file
......@@ -122,20 +124,133 @@ static int __cdecl ATTRIB_wprintf(const WCHAR *format, ...)
return nOut;
int wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[])
/* =========================================================================
* Handle the processing for a single directory, optionally recursing into
* subdirectories if needed.
* Parameters:
* rootdir [I] The directory to search in
* filespec [I] The filespec to search for
* recurse [I] Whether to recurse (search subdirectories before
* current directory)
* attrib_set [I] Attributes to set
* attrib_clear [I] Attributes to clear
* Returns TRUE if at least one file displayed / modified
* ========================================================================= */
static BOOL ATTRIB_processdirectory(const WCHAR *rootdir, const WCHAR *filespec,
BOOL recurse, DWORD attrib_set, DWORD attrib_clear)
DWORD count;
BOOL found = FALSE;
WCHAR flags[] = {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'};
static const WCHAR slashW[] = {'\\','\0'};
WINE_TRACE("Processing dir '%s', spec '%s', %d,%x,%x\n",
wine_dbgstr_w(rootdir), wine_dbgstr_w(filespec),
recurse, attrib_set, attrib_clear);
if (recurse) {
/* Build spec to search for */
strcpyW(buffer, rootdir);
strcatW(buffer, starW);
/* Search for directories in the location and recurse if necessary */
WINE_TRACE("Searching for directories with '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buffer));
hff = FindFirstFileW(buffer, &fd);
do {
const WCHAR dot[] = {'.', 0};
const WCHAR dotdot[] = {'.', '.', 0};
/* Only interested in directories, and not . nor .. */
if (!(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ||
!strcmpW(fd.cFileName, dot) || !strcmpW(fd.cFileName, dotdot))
/* Build new root dir to go searching in */
strcpyW(buffer, rootdir);
strcatW(buffer, fd.cFileName);
strcatW(buffer, slashW);
ATTRIB_processdirectory(buffer, filespec, recurse, attrib_set, attrib_clear);
} while (FindNextFileW(hff, &fd) != 0);
FindClose (hff);
/* Build spec to search for */
strcpyW(buffer, rootdir);
strcatW(buffer, filespec);
WINE_TRACE("Searching for files as '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buffer));
/* Search for files in the location with the filespec supplied */
hff = FindFirstFileW(buffer, &fd);
do {
const WCHAR dot[] = {'.', 0};
const WCHAR dotdot[] = {'.', '.', 0};
DWORD count;
WINE_TRACE("Found '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(fd.cFileName));
if (!strcmpW(fd.cFileName, dot) || !strcmpW(fd.cFileName, dotdot))
if (attrib_set || attrib_clear) {
fd.dwFileAttributes &= ~attrib_clear;
fd.dwFileAttributes |= attrib_set;
if (!fd.dwFileAttributes)
fd.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
strcpyW(buffer, rootdir);
strcatW(buffer, fd.cFileName);
SetFileAttributesW(buffer, fd.dwFileAttributes);
found = TRUE;
} else {
static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','1',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','%','2','\n','\0'};
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) {
flags[4] = 'H';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) {
flags[1] = 'S';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) {
flags[0] = 'A';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) {
flags[5] = 'R';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) {
flags[6] = 'T';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) {
flags[7] = 'C';
strcpyW(buffer, rootdir);
strcatW(buffer, fd.cFileName);
ATTRIB_wprintf(fmt, flags, buffer);
for (count = 0; count < (sizeof(flags)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); count++) flags[count] = ' ';
found = TRUE;
} while (FindNextFileW(hff, &fd) != 0);
FindClose (hff);
return found;
int wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[])
WCHAR *namepart;
WCHAR originalname[MAX_PATH];
DWORD attrib_set = 0;
DWORD attrib_clear = 0;
BOOL attrib_recurse = 0;
const WCHAR help_option[] = {'/','?','\0'};
const WCHAR start[] = {'*','\0'};
int i = 1;
BOOL found = FALSE;
if ((argc >= 2) && !strcmpW(argv[1], help_option)) {
......@@ -143,7 +258,7 @@ int wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[])
/* By default all files from current directory are taken into account */
strcpyW(name, start);
strcpyW(name, starW);
while (i < argc) {
WCHAR *param = argv[i++];
......@@ -168,71 +283,33 @@ int wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[])
WINE_FIXME("Option /D not yet supported\n");
} else if (((param[1] == 'R') || (param[1] == 'r')) && !param[2]) {
WINE_FIXME("Option /R not yet supported\n");
} else if (((param[1] == 'S') || (param[1] == 's')) && !param[2]) {
attrib_recurse = TRUE;
} else {
WINE_FIXME("Unknown option %s\n", debugstr_w(param));
} else if (param[0]) {
strcpyW(name, param);
strcpyW(originalname, param);
/* Name may be a relative or explicit path, so calculate curdir based on
current locations, stripping off the filename */
WINE_TRACE("Supplied name: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(name));
GetFullPathNameW(name, sizeof(curdir)/sizeof(WCHAR), curdir, &namepart);
WINE_TRACE("Supplied name: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(originalname));
GetFullPathNameW(originalname, sizeof(curdir)/sizeof(WCHAR), curdir, &namepart);
WINE_TRACE("Result: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(curdir));
strcpyW(name, curdir);
if (namepart) *namepart = 0x00;
/* Search for files based on the location and filespec supplied */
hff = FindFirstFileW(name, &fd);
if (namepart) {
strcpyW(name, namepart);
*namepart = 0;
} else {
name[0] = 0;
else {
do {
const WCHAR dot[] = {'.', 0};
const WCHAR dotdot[] = {'.', '.', 0};
if (!strcmpW(fd.cFileName, dot) || !strcmpW(fd.cFileName, dotdot))
if (attrib_set || attrib_clear) {
fd.dwFileAttributes &= ~attrib_clear;
fd.dwFileAttributes |= attrib_set;
if (!fd.dwFileAttributes)
fd.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
strcpyW(name, curdir);
strcatW(name, fd.cFileName);
SetFileAttributesW(name, fd.dwFileAttributes);
} else {
static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','1',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','%','2','\n','\0'};
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) {
flags[4] = 'H';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) {
flags[1] = 'S';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) {
flags[0] = 'A';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) {
flags[5] = 'R';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) {
flags[6] = 'T';
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) {
flags[7] = 'C';
strcpyW(name, curdir);
strcatW(name, fd.cFileName);
ATTRIB_wprintf(fmt, flags, name);
for (count = 0; count < (sizeof(flags)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); count++) flags[count] = ' ';
} while (FindNextFileW(hff, &fd) != 0);
/* Do all the processing based on the filename arg */
found = ATTRIB_processdirectory(curdir, name, attrib_recurse,
attrib_set, attrib_clear);
if (!found) {
ATTRIB_wprintf(ATTRIB_LoadMessage(STRING_FILENOTFOUND), originalname);
FindClose (hff);
return 0;
......@@ -960,8 +960,8 @@ Read-only file not deleted
Read-only file forcibly deleted
--- recursive behaviour
A @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A I @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2
@todo_wine@A R @pwd@\foobar\level1@or_broken@A R @pwd@\foobar\level1@or_broken@A R I @pwd@\foobar\level1
@todo_wine@A R @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A R @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A R I @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2
A R @pwd@\foobar\level1@or_broken@A R @pwd@\foobar\level1@or_broken@A R I @pwd@\foobar\level1
A R @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A R @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A R I @pwd@\foobar\baz\level2
A @pwd@\foobar\bar@or_broken@A @pwd@\foobar\bar@or_broken@A I @pwd@\foobar\bar
--- folders processing
@pwd@\foobar@or_broken@ @pwd@\foobar@or_broken@ I @pwd@\foobar
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