Commit fcd136e1 authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

mshtml: Set correct load type in load_nsuri.

parent cc16e0d2
......@@ -3757,9 +3757,32 @@ interface nsIContentViewer : nsISupports
interface nsIDocShellLoadInfo : nsISupports
typedef int32_t nsDocShellInfoLoadType;
typedef uint32_t nsDocShellInfoReferrerPolicy;
typedef enum {
loadNormal = 0,
loadNormalReplace = 1,
loadHistory = 2,
loadReloadNormal = 3,
loadReloadBypassCache = 4,
loadReloadBypassProxy = 5,
loadReloadBypassProxyAndCache = 6,
loadLink = 7,
loadRefresh = 8,
loadReloadCharsetChange = 9,
loadBypassHistory = 10,
loadStopContent = 11,
loadStopContentAndReplace = 12,
loadNormalExternal = 13,
loadNormalBypassCache = 14,
loadNormalBypassProxy = 15,
loadNormalBypassProxyAndCache = 16,
loadPushState = 17,
loadReplaceBypassCache = 18,
loadReloadMixedContent = 19,
loadNormalAllowMixedContent = 20
} nsDocShellInfoLoadType;
nsresult GetReferrer(nsIURI **aReferrer);
nsresult SetReferrer(nsIURI *aReferrer);
nsresult GetOriginalURI(nsIURI **aOriginalURI);
......@@ -296,6 +296,9 @@ HRESULT load_nsuri(HTMLOuterWindow *window, nsWineURI *uri, nsIInputStream *post
return E_FAIL;
nsres = nsIDocShellLoadInfo_SetLoadType(load_info, (flags & LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE) ? loadNormalBypassCache : loadNormal);
assert(nsres == NS_OK);
nsres = nsIDocShellLoadInfo_SetPostDataStream(load_info, post_stream);
assert(nsres == NS_OK);
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