commoncontrols.idl 5.71 KB
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 * Common controls v6 interface definitions
 * Copyright 2009 Owen Rudge for CodeWeavers
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";

/* Definitions required for widl, but already defined in commctrl.h for C */
cpp_quote("#if 0")
typedef IUnknown* HIMAGELIST;

typedef struct
    HBITMAP hbmImage;
    HBITMAP hbmMask;
    int     Unused1;
    int     Unused2;
    RECT    rcImage;


typedef struct
    DWORD      cbSize;
    HIMAGELIST himl;
    int        i;
    HDC        hdcDst;
    int        x;
    int        y;
    int        cx;
    int        cy;
    int        xBitmap;
    int        yBitmap;
    COLORREF   rgbBk;
    COLORREF   rgbFg;
    UINT       fStyle;
    DWORD      dwRop;
    DWORD      fState;
    DWORD      Frame;
    COLORREF   crEffect;


64 65
cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI ImageList_CoCreateInstance(REFCLSID,const IUnknown *, REFIID,void **);")

66 67 68
const UINT ILIF_ALPHA = 1;

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interface IImageList : IUnknown
    HRESULT Add(
        [in] HBITMAP hbmImage,
        [in] HBITMAP hbmMask,
        [out] int* pi);

    HRESULT ReplaceIcon(
        [in] int i,
        [in] HICON hicon,
        [out] int* pi);

    HRESULT SetOverlayImage(
        [in] int iImage,
        [in] int iOverlay);

    HRESULT Replace(
        [in] int i,
        [in] HBITMAP hbmImage,
        [in] HBITMAP hbmMask);

    HRESULT AddMasked(
        [in] HBITMAP hbmImage,
        [in] COLORREF crMask,
        [out] int* pi);

    HRESULT Draw(
        [in] IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS* pimldp);

    HRESULT Remove(
        [in] int i);

    HRESULT GetIcon(
        [in] int i,
        [in] UINT flags,
        [out] HICON* picon);

    HRESULT GetImageInfo(
        [in] int i,
        [out] IMAGEINFO* pImageInfo);

    HRESULT Copy(
        [in] int iDst,
        [in] IUnknown* punkSrc,
        [in] int iSrc,
        [in] UINT uFlags);

    HRESULT Merge(
        [in] int i1,
        [in] IUnknown* punk2,
        [in] int i2,
        [in] int dx,
        [in] int dy,
        [out] REFIID riid,
        [out] PVOID* ppv);

    HRESULT Clone(
        [in] REFIID riid,
        [out] PVOID* ppv);

    HRESULT GetImageRect(
        [in] int i,
        [out] RECT* prc);

    HRESULT GetIconSize(
        [out] int* cx,
        [out] int* cy);

    HRESULT SetIconSize(
        [in] int cx,
        [in] int cy);

    HRESULT GetImageCount(
        [out] int* pi);

    HRESULT SetImageCount(
        [in] UINT uNewCount);

    HRESULT SetBkColor(
        [in] COLORREF clrBk,
        [out] COLORREF* pclr);

    HRESULT GetBkColor(
        [out] COLORREF* pclr);

    HRESULT BeginDrag(
        [in] int iTrack,
        [in] int dxHotspot,
        [in] int dyHotspot);

    HRESULT EndDrag();

    HRESULT DragEnter(
        [in] HWND hwndLock,
        [in] int x,
        [in] int y);

    HRESULT DragLeave(
        [in] HWND hwndLock);

    HRESULT DragMove(
        [in] int x,
        [in] int y);

    HRESULT SetDragCursorImage(
        [in] IUnknown* punk,
        [in] int iDrag,
        [in] int dxHotspot,
        [in] int dyHotspot);

    HRESULT DragShowNolock(
        [in] BOOL fShow);

    HRESULT GetDragImage(
        [out] POINT * ppt,
        [out] POINT * pptHotspot,
        [out] REFIID riid,
        [out] PVOID* ppv);

    HRESULT GetItemFlags(
        [in] int i,
        [out] DWORD *dwFlags);

    HRESULT GetOverlayImage(
        [in] int iOverlay,
        [out] int* piIndex);

201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
interface IImageList2 : IImageList
    typedef struct tagIMAGELISTSTATS
        DWORD cbSize;
        INT   cAlloc;
        INT   cUsed;
        INT   cStandby;

    HRESULT Resize(INT x_size, INT y_size);
    HRESULT GetOriginalSize([in] INT image, [in] DWORD flags, [out] INT *cx, [out] INT *cy);
    HRESULT SetOriginalSize([in] INT image, [in] INT cx, [in] INT cy);
    HRESULT SetCallback([in, unique] IUnknown *callback);
    HRESULT GetCallback([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void** ppv);
    HRESULT ForceImagePresent([in] INT image, DWORD flags);
    HRESULT DiscardImages([in] INT first_image, [in] INT last_image, [in] DWORD flags);
    HRESULT PreloadImages([in] IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS *params);
    HRESULT GetStatistics([in, out] IMAGELISTSTATS *stats);
    HRESULT Initialize([in] INT cx, [in] INT cy, [in] UINT flags, [in] INT initial, [in] INT grow);
    HRESULT Replace2([in] INT i, [in] HBITMAP image, [in, unique] HBITMAP mask, [in, unique] IUnknown *unk, [in] DWORD flags);
    HRESULT ReplaceFromImageList([in] INT i, [in] IImageList *imagelist, [in] INT src, [in, unique] IUnknown *unk, [in] DWORD flags);

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library CommonControlObjects
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    coclass ImageList
        interface IImageList;
        interface IImageList2;
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